Today’s Spotlight: Background, “Benefits” & Uses for Patchouli Essential Oil

by | Aromatherapy, Candle Making, Essential Oils, Soap Making

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Patchouli Essential Oil:

Patchouli essential oil has a distinct scent. It comes from the Patchouli plant, and the family Lamiaceae. The mint family contains other aromatic plants as well. For example, lavender, sage, and mint. Like several of the beforementioned oils, patchouli is a popular choice for use in aromatherapy applications. This include; 


what is patchouli essential oil


Tidbits On Patchouli Essential Oil:

The Patchouli plant is native to tropical regions in South America and parts of Asia. There are three species of Patchouli; Pogostemon Cablin, Pogostemon Heyneanus, and Pogostemon Hortensis. Of the three, Pogostemon Cablin is the most popular. Patchouli oil has a beautiful musky, earthy scent, used for many years in different applications from cosmetics to medicinal purposes.

The Asians used patchouli essential oil to treat hair problems (dandruff, oily scalp) and skin conditions. In time, its medical properties spread to Europe and other parts of the world. In traditional Chinese medicine it has been used for both internal and external applications. For example, helping treat colds, nausea, diarrhea dermatitis, abdominal pain and fever. However, we do not recommend ingestion of any essential oil.

Essential oils in today’s practice, are used therapeutically and for medicinal purposes in some cases. Oftentimes, emphasis is placed on the fact essential oils are all natural extracts.

The substantial period when it rose to fame was in the 1960s. At this time, Patchouli was one of the most expensive essential oils ever. Specifically, a pound of Patchouli was worth a pound of gold. Scent characteristics one may use to describe this scent can sometimes be indicated as a “manly” aroma. Patchouli has a touch of woody, sweet and spicy notes to round-out the most prolific aromatics.  

On top of the scent notes, patchouli oil is also known for it’s long-lasting fixative properties. This makes patchouli a popular oil to use as a base note in products where aroma is important. 


Some of the Main Components of Vetiver Oil Include:

Aroma influential components: a-Patchoulene, ß-Patchoulene, a-Bulnesene, a-Guaiene, Caryophyllene, Norpatchoulenol, Seychellene, and Pogostol. 


Potential Benefits & Uses for Patchouli:


Potential Soothing Calming Effect:


patchouli has a soothing and calming effect


Patchouli essential oil contains patchoulol, touted as a highly grounding chemical component. Consequently, because of this highly touted component, patchouli is oftentimes revered for it’s calming abilities.

This essential oil is also suggestive, (study) to have sedative properties. As such, is the perfect aide in stress relief. Hence, it may stimulate the release of serotonin and dopamine. Further helping suppress feelings of stress, anger and anxiety. As such, lend itself to helping relieve some of the symptoms associated with these conditions.

However, much of the literature insists that this effect varies for each individual.

As you might imagine, using any essential oil for aromatherapy may stimulate someone’s own senses differently. What may be a soothing scent to some, may be offensive to others. If you rather enjoy this scent, you may supplement it with other ways of anti-anxiety or stress relieving efforts. For example, coupling it with mediationyoga, or even body massages.


Potential Use As A Natural Insecticide:

Patchouli oil contains natural insecticidal properties that make it effective in killing several different species of insects. In fact, for centuries in India, the leaves of the patchouli plant had been used as insect repellent.

Its natural properties and neutrality make it environmentally safe, unlike many of the chemicals we see in today’s world of insecticidal treatments.

It is a better substitute for many human-made pesticide products on the market. Specifically, certain compounds within patchouli oil are proven to be effective in killing houseflies, mosquitoes, and some species of urban ants. In fact, one such study names patchouli oil has being the most toxic (of the essential oils in the study) in killing 2 different mosquito species.

However, it is also important to note that the toxicity was much less then all other synthetic products in this same study.


Potential To Kill Disease-Causing Fungus and Bacteria:


might help fight off bacteria


Patchouli oil helps fight biofilms and virulence factors. It may help defend the body from bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Also, like other essential oils, may be used in treating certain dermatological conditions. For example, infections caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses.

Patchouli has a notable anti-fungal activity against disease-causing fungi. Such fungi include Aspergillus niger and Cryptococcus neoformans, research suggests.

However, important to note, some previous studies of patchouli did not show inhibition against Aspergillus niger specifically, as this study did.


Potential To Treat Respiratory Conditions:

Patchouli essential oil contains both potent and expectorant properties. This makes it potentially significant in the fight against some respiratory problems. These properties help it fight mucus and rheum deposits from the nasal cavity. In turn, it may help relieve the chest from congestion and mucus.


Potential To Relieve Pain & Treat Inflammation:


patchouli may help with pain and inflammation


Research indicates patchouli is rich in potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties. This characteristic of patchouli, may make the oil good for people with arthritis and joint pains. Furthermore, aiding in some amount of pain relief. The above studies were strictly animal based studies, focusing on mice paw edema. 


Potentially Useful In Skin and Hair Health Treatment Plus Care:


patchouli oil for hair health


The anti-bacterial properties in patchouli essential oil suggest potential for wound healing and skin regeneration. Furthermore, is suggestive in helping prevent or reduce wrinkles, scars, blemishes, and other signs of aging. This natural essential oil is touted for playing a formidable role in fighting pimples, acne, chapped or cracked skin, cold sores, oily conditions, and stretch marks.

Uses of this oil include helping reduce dandruff on the hair’s scalp, and stimulating blood circulation (due to astringent properties helping to tighten the pores). Thus, promoting the development of new hair, and helping prevent hair damage. Continued use of this oil enhances the texture and may add shine to your hair, as well.


How Patchouli Oil is Extracted?

It starts from the dried leaves of young twigs of Pogostemom cablin. The extraction process is via steam distillation. In addition, the cell walls broken down by various processes. For example, steam scalding, light fermentation, or simply drying of the leaves.


Final Thoughts!

Patchouli oil is a popular choice among many individuals. Furthermore, it mixes well with a plethora of other essential oils, which makes it an attractive choice. For instance, pair patchouli with the likes of bergamot, cedarwood, jasmine, even rosemary.

Are you a fan of patchouli oil? If so, please feel free to share your experiences, favorite application and blended scents using this versatile essential oil.

We do not support the use of any essential oil for ingestion purposes. Also, it’s important not to stop any current treatment you may have for a physical or mental ailment to substitute with this oil, without speaking with a licensed medical professional.



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