An Easy Oatmeal Bath Bomb Recipe: Relax In DIY Luxury!

by | DIY & Craft, Unwind

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DIY Oatmeal Bath Bomb & Recipe!

A great way to not only spruce up your bath experience, but to also benefit your skin! Oatmeal itself, has been used in skin care products for as long as we can remember. Touted benefits include; cleansing of the skin, itch relief, to exfoliation. Oatmeal has even been added to dry shampoo, helping soak up excess oils (HuffPost, 2017). Let’s chat about an oatmeal bath bomb recipe so you to can enjoy some of it’s benefits.

handmade diy oatmeal bath bomb

If you’re anything like us after a long hard work week, a beautiful homemade bath bomb, coupled with can’t miss therapeutic essential oils, is just the answer.

Today we’ll discuss a DIY oatmeal bath bomb recipe. One that you can truly make yourself, or take all the guess work out, and order one from our selection of bath bombs today.

At any rate, if you’re truly looking for just a fun DIY project, creating bath bombs is a great option. Even one that doesn’t end up with a perfect shape, can still perform wonderfully during your bath!

However, if you do find yourself struggling (and you’re a perfectionist) you can always read this post on some common bath bomb failures, and continue your path to making a perfect, oatmeal bath bomb.

Directions On Creating An Oatmeal Bath Bomb:


  • Stainless steel or plastic round bath bomb mold (3oz. – 4oz.)
  • Mixing Bowls (3)
  • Measuring Cups
  • Measuring Spoons
  • Gloves
  • Mask/Eye ware

Dry Ingredients:

  • 4 Cups Baking Soda
  • 2 Cups Citric Acid
  • 1/2 Cup SLSA
  • 1.5 oz. Colloidal Oatmeal
  • 1.5 TBS Cream Of Tartar
  • Ground Oatmeal for Décor

Wet Ingredients:

  • 3 oz. Shea Butter
  • 0.5 TBS Sweet Almond Oil
  • 0.5 oz. Vanilla Oatmeal Fragrance Oil (skin safe)
  • 1 oz. Oat Extract
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Polysorbate 80
  • 1 Spray Bottle with Witch Hazel

Step-By-Step Instructions for making an Oatmeal Bath Bomb!

Step 1:

Firstly, take one of you mixing bowls and add your dry ingredients. This includes you baking soda, citric acid, SLSA, cream of tartar, and colloidal oatmeal. If you’re using the fine grain ingredients, there may not be a need for a sifter, however it is an option.

Simply rubbing the ingredients through your hands as you mix should also break up any clumps. Additionally, you can use a stand mixer, which will speed up the mixing process.

You can add mica if you want some added color to the bath bomb. However, in this recipe, we did not add any colorant, they will simply be an off white color.

We recommend you wear gloves and proper safety attire when making any sort of bath treat!

Step 2:

Secondly, add your wet ingredients to another mixing bowl. Shea butter, you’ll have to first melt down. Perform 15-20 seconds burst’s in the microwave to melt.

After, you’ll combine your sweet almond oil, fragrance oil, oat extract, polysorbate 80 and finally, the Shea butter you melted.

Next, mix these ingredients well.

Step 3:

Now, add your wet ingredients to your dry mixture and start to blend in your hands. Otherwise, you can also use a stand mixture, but we like doing these smaller recipes by hand. This will allow you to get a better feel for the texture and correct consistency.

Surely, if your new to bath bombs, getting familiar with your ingredients is a must!

Step 4:

At this point the mixture may not be quite ready for molding process. This is where your spray bottle of witch hazel comes into play.

Start with 3-5 sprays at a time. Add your sprays and immediately begin to mix well. Once you’ve mixed a bit, check your consistency again. If it feels to dry, add a few more sprays. Then, repeat this process.

If you’ve read our other blog posts about bath bombs or shower steamers, you will know that to make sure you have the right consistency, you can do a drop test.

Besides simply grabbing your mixture and squeezing to test consistency, squeeze and drop the mixture from about 6-8 inches above your bowl (mixture). If it stays together, without crumbling apart, this is usually a sign your ready for molding.

Step 5:

Now that your mixture has the correct wet to dry consistency, take one-half of your mold in your hand.

Optionally, you can first place real oatmeal at the bottom of your mold first, before adding any mixture. It depends if you want the oats floating in your tub at the time of using your oatmeal bath bomb. However, it does give the bath bombs a more elegant appeal.

Next, scoop up a large amount of mixture into your mold (half), overflowing the one-half of your mold. Lightly press on the top of the mixture. Consequently, don’t pack the mixture to hard since you’ll be pressing the other side together with this one.

Step 6:

Afterwards, take the other half of the mold and do the same.

Step 7:

Press the molds together, try not to twist, just a firm press and hold will do. Press hard for a few seconds, then tap the top of the mold to help release the mixture from the sides of the mold. For instance, you can simply use a large wooden spoon from your kitchen.

Step 8:

The top piece should come off relatively easily, but if not give it a few more taps.

At this point, the top half of the bath bomb is exposed and the bottom mold is still on. Try tapping the bottom half of the mold, then simply flip it over into your other hand.

It should come out nice and easily. Now, place the finished DIY oatmeal bath bomb on a soft surface, like egg carton foam.

Tip: Some recipes call for bath bombs to stay in the mold for a few minutes, up to a few hours. If you have the right consistency, you really shouldn’t have to do this.

Step 10:

Let dry 48 hours in a low humidity environment. If giving this as a gift, DO NOT shrink wrap right away, as this could trap moisture inside.

Place in a warm bath slowly, letting it rest in the palm of your hand while you lower it into the water.

Final Thoughts!

Well that’s it. That’s how you make an oatmeal bath bomb. We hope you enjoyed our post and this simple, oatmeal bath bomb recipe.

Come back soon for more great bath products, tips and recipes. Have a great day and feel free to share our products, recipes and blog posts, through your social media channels.


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