A How To, And Benefits Guide To Yoga Blankets!

by | Meditate, Yoga

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Yoga Blankets:

There are many props that can be used within the realm of yoga. Regardless of style, props can offer many unique advantages to the practice. These advantages can range from purposes of comfort to even challenging the body and mind. Yoga blankets is one example of a yoga prop, most often used for comfort. However, they are one of the most under utilized accessories within the discipline.

Oftentimes, this is due to the lack of awareness of the benefits they can provide. In addition, how they can be used effectively.

We’ll explore the incredible use of yoga blankets and their benefits in our post today!

The Yoga Blanket: What Is It & What Is It For?

Yoga blankets are an accessory or prop. They have an important role and usage in covering the body, when meditating. The usage of a blanket in this role can be to help maintain body heat, relaxation and focus on meditation However, they are used in yoga, as well. When practicing yoga, a popular pose blankets are used for is Savasana, or Corpse pose.

They are widely used to adjust the height with respect to the ground. Let’s take the shoulders for example. A blanket can provide comfort for the joints and/or muscles. In addition, when making postural adjustments. Thus, (although an underutilized yoga prop), making the yoga blanket versatile and a key contributor while practicing the art of yoga.

Yoga Blankets For Poses: How To Use Yoga Blankets 

In general, when your think of a blanket, we think comfort. An item for covering the surface of our body, isolating ourselves from elements such as “the cold”. Furthermore, an item that makes us feel more comfortable or relaxed.

However, blankets in their usage coupled with yoga, are used for comfort in a different way. For example, they can be folded or rolled and utilized in a plethora of asanas. Hence, making a pose more comfortable and/or achievable.

Examples Of Yoga Blankets & Usage:

A yoga blanket for poses like, Plow pose, can be used between the shoulders and the neck to improve posture and help avoid injury;

yoga pose relax

A yoga blanket can be used for poses like a Seated Forward Fold, in which it can be placed under the buttock to facilitate bending, and improve posture;

In addition, try a blanket for Low Lunges to help assist in the maneuver and avoid pain in the knees;

In Child’s pose, it can facilitate or assist in reaching the ground, especially if you’re a beginner. Oftentimes, pain can be a factor in not pursuing stretching and/or yoga, even types of fitness. It’s important to be smart. Use props to help aide in carrying out certain asanas, especially when a beginner to the practice. Consequently, this may aide in a better mind-body connection, allowing the body to stretch, relax, rest, and focus on your breath, simultaneously.

Yoga Blankets For Poses: Types of Blanket Options?

Like yoga mats, there are many blankets available. We can find them in a wide range of sizes, colors, materials, and thicknesses. Truly, you can use a towel or blanket you already own, to start.

It’s important to emphasize certain characteristics when choosing a blanket;

calm pose
  • Manufacturing material, (we recommend cotton as the main fabric)
  • Thickness,
  • and size,

A cotton material makes washing simple. In addition, cotton is durable. Another added benefit is the weight of the material. A cotton blanket in yoga, can also be easily manipulated (folded) and offer even more versatility in the practice.

The thickness and size of the blanket can also be important. A very thin blanket can be insufficient. For example, if using it on a surface like tile, or hardwood, it may not help much with comfort for ground poses. Additionally, it may be cooler on those surfaces.

Likewise, it may fail as a complement when trying to protect the joints, and muscles. It may fail in providing the support and/or height needed for aiding in posture during certain poses.

A very thick blanket, could take up a lot of space and be heavy to transport. Folding it and manipulating it could be cumbersome as well. In addition, a think cotton material can be to hot, making a yoga session uncomfortable. A good rule of thumb is to mimic a yoga mat in thickness.

Variations in blankets also include décor, and color. Wool is another option, as far as materiel is concerned. Many yoga blankets carry meaningful and inspiring phrases for there practitioners.

For many yogis, the shawl, becomes an indispensable travel companion, a sort of “Linus blanket”, if you will.

Final Thoughts: Yoga Blankets For Relaxation:

Like many things in life, the effort you put in, is often proportional to the end product. In this case, choosing a proper yoga blanket for your body, the better it will aide in relaxation. The more you are able to “let go” and relax, the more open and loose parts of the body can become.

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