Bridge Pose: (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) – A Reliable Starter Yoga Pose

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Bridge pose:

Name: Bridge Pose

Sanskrit: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Pronunciation: SEY-tu-BAHN-duh sahr-vahng-GAHS-ah-nuh

Pose Level: Intermediate Level yoga pose

bridge pose

1Begin by lying on your back on the mat.
2Place your feet hip-width apart. Attempt to bring the heels close to the buttocks, so that you can graze them with your fingertips.
3Relax the glutes and use your tailbone to lift your body.
4Take the shoulders back and down, reach your fingers underneath your torso. Press down with your arms, pinky side down.
5Ensure the feet are firmly pressing down into the mat.
6Maintain the Bridge pose, breathing deeply for a few cycles.
7Slowly lower yourself back down to the mat to exit the pose.

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  • Glutes
  • Lower back
  • Upper back
  • Chest
  • Glutes
  • Hips
  • Pelvic
  • Psoas
  • Quadriceps

Pose Modifications:

Bridge with 1 leg raised variation:

1Start in the base bridge pose position.
2Lift your buttocks up, shifting the weight of your body onto the sole of the right foot.
3Raise the left leg up, keeping it either straight or bent.
4Squeeze your glute and keep your raised leg still.
5Maintain the bridge position for 20-60 seconds, or alternatively, move your pelvis up and down without touching the floor 15-30 times.
6Repeat the exercise 2-3 times on each leg, alternating between legs.


Setu Bandha Sarvangasana should be avoided by individuals with neck injuries. Additionally, it’s not suitable for those with conditions like abdominal hernia, lumbar lordosis, or peptic/duodenal ulcers. Pregnant women are also advised against this pose due to the pressure it places on the lower abdomen and internal organs.

Always speak with a medical professional or certified instructor to determine positions appropriate for you.

Poses Commonly Transitioned too:

Corpse Pose (Savasana), Spinal Twist, One-Legged Bridge Pose

Poses Commonly Transitioned From:

Boat Pose (Navasana), Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana)

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