Half Moon Pose: (Ardha Chandrasana) – A Balancing Asana To The Core

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Half Moon Pose: (Ardha Chandrasana)

Name: Half Moon Pose

Sanskrit: Ardha Chandrasana

Pronunciation: Par-iv-rt-tah ar-dhah chahn-DRAH-sah-nah

Pose Level:  Intermediate Level yoga pose


half moon yoga pose
  • Perform Trikonasana on the right side, with the left hand resting on the left leg. Inhale, bend your right knee and slide your left foot about 10 to 20 centimeters forward along the mat. At the same time, bring your right hand forward, past the side of the little toe of the right foot, at least six inches.
  • Exhale, press your right hand and right heel firmly towards the ground and extend your right leg, simultaneously raise your left leg parallel to the floor.
  • Actively extend the leg up. Be careful not to hyper-extend the raised knee. Make sure that the kneecap is aligned forward and not turned inward.
  • Rotate the upper torso to the left, but keep the left hip slightly rotated forward.
  • Press your lower hand lightly to the ground and use it to keep balance. Push the sacrum and shoulder blades inward, and stretch the tailbone forward
  • This is the final position. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, breathing normally.
  • To exit the position, slowly lower the raised leg until it touches the ground with an exhalation and then return to Trikonasana. Then do the pose from the opposite side and hold it for the same length of time.

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  • Thighs
  • Ankles
  • Glutes
  • Core
  • Chest
  • Shoulders

Pose Modifications:

More experienced practitioners can raise their arm in the air, with an inhale, bringing it perpendicular to the ground. To make this position even more complex, raise your hand resting on the ground and place it on your thigh. Thus, balancing on only one leg.

Another modification explores the usage of a chair in which to place your hand. Or use a yoga block.

Related Article: A Reference Guide To The Most Popular Chair Yoga Postures & Positions

Alternatively, try starting and stabilizing on one knee on a mat.


Take caution those who suffer from migraines, low blood pressure.

In the case of neck (trauma) disorders, avoid turning your head and directing your gaze upwards. Consequently, look forward and keep your neck in line with your spine.

Poses Commonly Transitioned too:

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana), Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Poses Commonly Transitioned From:

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana), Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

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