Reverse Warrior Yoga Pose: (Viparita Virabhadrasana) – A Beautiful Strength & Balancing Asana For All Yogi’s!

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Reverse Warrior Yoga Pose:

Reverse Warrior yoga pose is a fantastic asana. One in which a beginner yogi should focus on building this pose from the base (legs), upward. Prior to completing this asana it’s helpful to spend a few moments warming up the hips, as well as poses that focus on balancing the body. Reverse Warrior will then take these two aspects and expand on increasing strength and balance of the body.

Related Article: How To Use Yoga For Strength And Flexibility

It’s known to many as an energizing type pose, one in which breathing can benefit greatly. What makes this pose unique when compared to other “bend-type” asanas, is that’s it’s a side-bend. Consequently, you’ll see many forward and back bends incorporated into standard yoga sessions. Thus, the pose helps to bring a focus on the intercostal muscles, or muscles in between the ribcage.

reverse warrior yoga pose Viparita Virabhadrasana

The Basics:

Name: Reverse Warrior Yoga Pose

Sanskrit: Viparita Virabhadrasana


Pose Level: Beginner – Intermediate yoga pose


  • Begin with a wide stance on your mat, facing forward. Attempt to create a perfectly level torso. Meaning pelvic bones are level to one another.
  • Then, turn your right foot (front foot) outward, while keeping the hips stationary. Bend your right knee down as you would with Warrior II. Your knee should be directly overtop the ankle.
  • The right foot heel should be inline with the left heel or inline with the left arch.
  • Now, bring your arms straight up to the sides. Arms should be parallel to the mat at this time. elongate your spine & focus your gaze toward your front fingers.
  • On inhale flip your front hand over (palm up), and on exhale reach that same arm back toward the back of you mat.
  • Now, slide your back hand down the back leg (left). Breath for a few cycles, then bring the body back to Warrior II.


  • Hips
  • Legs (quads)
  • Core
  • Spine
  • Shoulders

Pose Modifications:

If you find yourself a little unstable, you may press the outer edge of your back foot on a wall. Furthermore, you may attempt to straighten both legs.


Take special precaution if dealing with any acute or choric back injury or injuries to the neck or hips.

Poses Commonly Transitioned To:

Warrior I, Warrior II, Extended Side Angle

Poses Commonly Transitioned From:

Warrior I, Warrior II, Garland Pose

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