Easily Reduce Stress The Old Fashion Way – Part X: How To Organize Your Office Desk!

by | DIY & Craft, Unwind

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How to Organize Your Office Desk:

We shared a similar post, a while back, on organizational tactics for your office space in general. Here we talk, how to organize your office desk or work desk. A common area, that in general can easily get cluttered. By having a well designed office space, it becomes easier to be productive and effective in your work or personal life.

how to organize your office desk

However, the idea of organizing your desk specifically, should come after you have defined your work or office space. Furthermore, this tactic should have you feeling less stressed and increase your effectiveness at conquering each and every task.

Can you find what you need, when you need it, is really the question that matters, right!?

Besides, when we’re at a 9-5, we have enough to worry about already. Finding ways to de-stress and make your life easier is essential. An organized space allows us to focus better, and may even contribute to our creative side.

Here Are Some Useful Tips:

Tip #1: Routine Cleanings Are Essential:

Clearly it’s not necessary or possible to do a complete top to bottom cleaning everyday. The point here to make a conscious effort to do daily “wipe-downs” and organizing.

For instance, if you had an extremely busy day the day prior, and your desk was left a little out of sort, make sure to clean this up prior to starting a new day. Furthermore, be selective in the items you keep on top your desk, daily.

This could include:

  • a stapler
  • a hole puncher
  • pencil container
  • a printer
  • router
  • files
  • charger

The list can go on.

How can you cut down on these items, or at least make them more presentable?

Have a well thought out plan, just sitting at a clean desk everyday, feels better for our minds! Thus, pushing our bodies further physically.

This should max, take up just a few minutes of your morning. After you take a couple swigs of coffee, put that phone on the charger, do a real simple, quick straightening up.

Tip #2: Papers, Papers, Papers:

In like fashion, sort through any new and old papers you may have lying around. Make sure paper/documents have a place to reside.

For example:

  • incoming mail
  • outgoing mail
  • need to be filed documents
  • need to be scanned documents
  • priorities
  • work-related paperwork
  • non-work related paperwork

organizing paper on your office or work desk

Consequently, this becomes an ongoing process. However, if you tackle these things daily, you will become more efficient. In time, having more time to focus on the important things needing to be done.

Tip #3: Digital Organization:

In truth, this tidbit is all about the computer. Don’t neglect your “computer” related organization, like emails. Being able to easily locate a file or an email that your boss needs, or that you have stored on your computer for a presentation will instantly relieve unneeded stress.

Besides, this will help you become more proficient when it comes to work.

digital organization when it comes to  office organization

What can you use for this type of organization?

Personally, we use Google Docs for a lot of information saved on the computer. Google Docs is free to use and really allows you to customize how you want to save your documents.

Certain files you save, you can also edit right while in your Google Docs app, making it convenient as well.

Tip #4: Wrap Em’ Up:

One of the best ways to organize your office or work desk is with simply wrapping up cables. This tip is not just for your home office, but can be used at the job as well. Simple cable ties can do the trick and keep cable craziness at bay.

However, here are some additional cable hacks in the video below.

Organizational Tips/Hacks

Tip 5: Everything Has A Place:

When discussing desk organization, it’s best to have a designated place for everything. If not, things can quickly become cluttered.

However, if you have a small space to work with, it can be difficult to complete this task. Sometimes, you have to think outside the box.

In fact, imploring certain creative ideas and tactics, can make this process much easier. For instance, utilizing things like a custom pegboard or a pin board to save you desk space.

Additionally, utilize:

  • Tray/Bins: Have a few bins. Use one for incoming work that needs to be completed, and one for projects that are finished.
  • Prioritize tasks: Make a pile of important things to be done vs. less important tasks, organizing tasks by date.
  • Designate your electronics for an area of the desk or even explore a “charging drawer”.
  • Desk organizer: Easily DIY this task. Check out the link we provided for some creative, but also find office organization ideas!

Tip 6: Old School Calendar/Planners:

In the digital age everyone is keeping schedules on there phones and IPad’s. Thus making written forms of “to do” lists a thing of the past.

have a daily and weekly planner or calender

However, there is something to be said about having that oversized calendar, with just one glance down at your desk, that makes things so easy and convenient.

With that said, what really keeps this idea trendy and convenient is custom made planners or calendars. If you do a quick search on places like ETSY, you’re sure to find a creative soul out there to help you design a custom planner.

Design a planner or calendar that not just fit’s your lifestyle and daily operations, but your creative side.

Tip 7: Divide and Conquer:

Using drawer dividers is another cheap and easy way to keep your office space organized. Even with limited space you can sort one drawer into several, using drawer dividers.

As with desk organizers, dividers can also be customized to fit your needs. If you’re the crafty type, this idea could be right up your ally.

Drawer dividers can be as simple or elaborate as you need them to be. Separate your drawer into 2,3,4 and even more spaces for a more functional office desk area.

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Final Thoughts!

Firstly, thanks again for spending some time with us here at RN To Zen.

We appreciate any feedback you can give us. Make sure to leave comments on other organizational hacks you may have tied for your office desk.

Also, if you enjoyed the post and care to share it within your social media outlets, we would greatly appreciate that as well!


  • https://www.anikasdiylife.com/diy-desk-organizer-ideas/
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