5-Minute Morning Meditation: Can Make All The Difference!

by | Meditate

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5-Minute Morning Meditation:

In today’s world, we are always on the move. Every minute is “go, go, go”. Oftentimes, because we feel there is so much to achieve everyday. Consequently, there simply seems to never be enough time in a day to get everything done. This in it of itself, is stressful. Can a simple 5-minute morning meditation session, help?

Many of our “normal days” start off the same. We’re jumping out of bed, checking emails or our social media handles. Then, responding to everything that occurred while you were sleeping, which somehow always becomes more then what you would think, right!

morning meditation yoga alarm clock

Maybe not all of us start our days like that. In another scenario, you may get out of bed, going through what is known as a more “normal” routine. You start brushing your teeth, shower, you make your breakfast, eat, and then just like that, you are off!

Sometimes The Focus Should Be On Yourself!

Many of us have either one or both of these scenarios as our daily routine. Oftentimes, we are so preoccupied with it, that we forget to actually spend 5-minutes every morning to focus on what is most important. Above all, is “ourselves”. Moreover, our physical, mental, emotional, and in some individuals, spiritual self.

What can we do today, to make ourselves feel better. At any rate, that’s what we need to focus on! We are so busy juggling what life has to throw at us, we forget at the end of the day, to take care of “us”. 

How much time do you really dedicate for your mental health, or physical health for that matter?

Through meditation, specifically a daily routine, you can do a lot for yourself, and truly set a positive vibe, from the start. This positivity may just be able to carry on throughout your day!

morning meditation to start the day off

Oftentimes, it’s believed that meditation only applies to certain individuals. Much of the hesitation, may simply be do to a lack of knowledge. Personally speaking, this applied to us at first, as well.

However, as we continued to become informed and educated, we started to see trends in research, in the actual science behind the practice, or art of meditation.

Above all, with any new endeavor, it’s vital to become educated on new principles, skills or a craft. Oftentimes, we recommended guided meditation to newbies. Having a guide is irreplaceable. Someone there for questioning. Additionally, someone that can lead you through your first session.

Why Morning Meditation? Does It Matter?

The answer to this question will of course, vary. However, let’s discuss some potential benefits, even if it’s just a 5-minute morning meditation session.

Understand the purpose of every session. Furthermore, focus on quality of a session and not necessarily quantity.

a. Stress Reducing/Anxiety Relief:

This is the big one, right! We’ve heard the benefits of practices such as meditation, and yoga, or other forms that look to create a sense of self; this mind-body connection.

As One Medical discusses, meditation, regardless the form, lends itself to allowing you to create time for yourself. Researchers often equate stress reduction as related to the ability of meditation to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest & recovery system). This system is associated with physiological changes, like slowing the heart rate, slowing breathing, lowering blood pressure, and even improving blood flow. 

b. Positivity:

Positivity! A great way to start and let consume your day. Even studies, like this one, revealed that beginner meditators and ones who meditate often, showed increased signs of happiness. Meditation has a way of helping to increase confidence, as well as self-esteem, among practitioners. 

Look at this 5-minute morning meditation routine as a way to “set the tone”, if you will, for your day!

Related Article: Meditation Breeds Confidence: Meditation for Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Self Worth!

c. Increasing Awareness

Awareness can mean different things to different people. Headspace, discusses morning meditations ability to “gently release grogginess“. Morning meditation may contribute to a more functional state, ready for whatever the day has to throw our way.

Meditation is a practice that is fielded around being non-judgmental of your own thought’s. Indeed, waking up to this process on a regular basis, may lend itself to being kinder to ourselves and others. 

In fact, rooting a consistent morning meditation in our own lives, may contribute to better self awareness. Thus, potentially making it easier for us to deal with our daily obstacles.

Meditations focus on breathing, personal mantra’s, or an object, helps to keep us grounded and refocus our “jumping” mind. Rather then go from one thought to the other, we can better focus or refocus on thoughts through the meditation process.

Check Out This Short 5-Minute Morning Mediation Routine Video

Why A 5-Morning Meditation Routine May Help:

Clear your Mind of Intrusive Thoughts

One of the biggest challenges we face in today’s world is not only clearing our minds of intrusive and negative thoughts, but turning those thoughts around into positivity and good vibes. For example, being a half glass full, type of individual.

We all have struggles and challenges which can weigh us down. For instance, a job, a business, bills, even sometimes family. These all have the potential of disturbing our minds and making one feel overwhelmed.

clear your mind with morning meditation

Meditation can be done anywhere, and at any time, making it super convenient. One of the best times, for us, is in the morning.

Our theory is, once you’re up and going, energy levels start to rise, why not take this time to build-up some positive and peaceful thoughts in your mind, before your day even truly begins.

Deal with Stress, Anxiety or Depression

We believe that with just a 5-minute morning meditation routine, this can truly help to deal with anxiety, stress, maybe even pain, by relaxing the body and mind. We know our minds control the way we think and feel. Studies have suggested the ability of meditation to result in small to moderate reductions in psychological stress. 

Having this short morning meditation session can change the way your brain works for the rest of the day. Thus, greatly influencing how you deal with stress, even with a jam-packed day. Hopefully, this can help to increase focus, and aide in relaxation because of how you can train your mind through consistent daily meditation.

Related Article: Well Known Positive Benefits of Daily Meditation

In fact, one study suggested that meditation can influence or even change brain function. A study on mindfulness meditation suggested it may “improve affective responding through reduced amygdala (our threat detection control center of the brain) reactivity. 

Your 5-Minute Morning Meditation List


The first thing you’ll want to do is set your timer for five-minutes. Continue to follow through with this short meditation session until your time is up!

short morning meditation routine

Decision Time:

If you’ve gone through a few guided meditations sessions, you may know the type of meditation that you wish to participate in. There is “no one-style-fits-all” meditation. Whether you stick strictly to mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, body scan or even walking meditation, there is no absolute right answer. 

It’s based on personal preference. We highly encourage you to divulge in a few guided meditation sessions with an instructor.

Another great option is a meditation app. Oftentimes, this does require a subscription, but they can be very rewarding and instructional. 


Whether you choose to sit on a matblanket, sofa, lie down, or even use a chair – it’s crucial to remain in a comfortable position. Lengthen your spine. Roll your shoulders back. Release tension in your palms and the rest of your body. When comfortable, focusing becomes easier, without the unneeded distractions. 

Related Article: Meditation Area(s) in your Home: Best Way to Meditate at Home


Inhale through your nose and breathe out slowly, focusing on releasing any type of tension you may have built-up within your body and mind. Breathing will be a focus throughout your meditation session(s). There are many different forms of breathing.

If your mind wanders, attempt to re-center yourself with your breathing. Furthermore, using it as a tool to help you focus and refocus when need be! The breathe can help take you deeper into a meditative state. 

Be Positive & Non-Judgmental:

As you start experiencing this positive energy, let it navigate through your lungs (as you breath) and your entire body (from your head to your toes). Be non-judgmental of your thoughts as you recognize them. 

When you use the power of visualization about situation(s), it can greatly influence how you handle and achieve certain tasks.

Use positive affirmations throughout your session. Examples include; “I love myself”, “I appreciate the people around me”, “I am going to have a wonderful day”, “Life is amazing”, “I will have a productive day”. 

positive thinking vibes

Come Out (timer goes off):

Bring your hands together in a prayer position in front of your chest. Open your eyes. 

Final Thoughts!

Whether you follow your own set of affirmations, use mantra’s, center yourself with the use of breath or mala beads, everyone practices meditation differently. We encourage you to take a small part out of your morning to help center yourself, building yourself up, before the day even beings. 

Work on yourself, learn how to love yourself, realize that you are important, and that you have much to offer yourself, and others. 

Today is going to be a really amazing day and thank you for doing this 5-minute meditation with us, have a beautiful day!


  • https://www.onemedical.com/blog/healthy-living/5-reasons-meditation
  • https://www.headspace.com/meditation/morning-meditation
  • https://www.psycnet.apa.org/record/1975-28039-001
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24395196
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6671286/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20meditation%20training%20may%20improve,effects%20on%20emotion%20regulation%20ability.
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