A Hatha Yoga Class. Gentle, But Still Physically & Mentally Challenging!

by | Mental Health, Strength Building, Yoga

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Hatha Yoga Class:

You may just a have different outlook on a Hatha yoga class after reading this. If you think ALL Hatha yoga classes are easy, you are gravely mistaken. Oftentimes, these classes are good for beginners into the practice, but it’s important to understand how they can be challenging as well.

Together we are going to discuss how a hatha yoga class can be gentle, but still physically and mentally demanding, helping us find our true selves.

hatha yoga class

What is a hatha yoga class?

Hatha is a Sanskrit noun meaning vigor or strength, hence the classic translation of Hatha Yoga as Yoga of strength. However, it is not uncommon to hear this discipline also defined as ‘Yoga of the sun and the moon’

‘Ha’ refers to the male energy of the sun, which flows in the right energy channel of our body, called Pingala Nadi. ‘Tha’ represents its female counterpart. A main channel in the left side of the body, called Ida Nadi.

How a gentle hatha yoga class works energetically?

So, what we are talking about is creating a union. Thus, between moon (female) and sun (male) energy. Consequently, this union brings balance and inner peace within.

The central channel where their union takes place and along which the energy of the Kundalini-Shakti can rise is the so-called Sushumna. Thus, bringing these two polarities back into harmony. Rebalancing the opposing Yin and Yang energies that animate everything.

In fact, all styles of yoga are attempting to do this. Furthermore, most styles branch off of Hatha yoga.

This is one challenge of Hatha yoga. Each persons journey is their own. Like in all life, you may face challenges finding yourself, or staying on course. Consequently, it’s the ones who preserver and keep tasking their way, that can achieve balance and inner peace.

What’s a Hatha yoga class goal?

Hatha Yoga is a discipline that aims to bring the individual to master their physical and psychological state. This is accomplished through specific postures (asanas), meditation, and pranayama. Techniques which stimulate and control energy flows.

When the energy currents in our body are negatively influenced by emotional experiences, the environment, society and the educational system, patterns are created on the mental and emotional level that lead to an imbalance in the body. This discomfort often manifests itself in various forms. For example, physical ailments like joint pain, back pain, headache, even mucus production. Alternatively, psychological repercussions, distrust, fears, panic attacks, depression, insomnia and relationship difficulties.

The combination of the factors preceding a poor dietary education often happens, and in this case the result is a mix of dysfunctions whose origin is difficult to understand.

What a Hatha yoga class is made up of?

A Hatha Yoga class is a combination of asanas, pranayama, mudra’s, meditation, guided by an experienced teacher. Its purpose is to bring the right flow of energy to specific points in the body. In addition, remove toxins and allow the prana to flow freely, in order to heal the symptoms of disease or disorders.

Influences of Asanas:

Standing postures often help develop strength and relieve back pain. They contribute to strengthening other body parts like, the knees and ankles as well. Furthermore, and most obvious, help develop balance and concentration.

Forward stretches work on the internal organs by massage, and stimulating circulation. They affect the nervous system and the functions of the digestive and urinary systems.

Openings (or back-bends) help the spinal column. Touted for helping to prevent injuries, herniated discs, etc. Furthermore, strengthening the trunk muscles, opening the chest, and positively effecting the respiratory system.

Twist motions help to restore muscle balance in the sacral, lumbar and dorsal area, helping in the case of sciatic nerve disorders.

Inversions are the queens of asanas. They have countless benefits. For example, an impact on circulation, internal organs, heart, thyroid, brain, pituitary gland, eyes, skin and hair.

Gentle Hatha Yoga Class & The Psychological Plan:

On a psychological level, asanas allow you to develop a feeling of security. The elongation of the spine and strengthening, can bring a sense of mastery to the practitioner. The feeling of well-being and the freedom of movement lead to the search for new ways of loving and respecting each other. A class can lead to personal relationships and growth in the form of genuine friendships, sharing healthy eating styles, and other interests.

On a subtle level, this discipline helps to dissolve the energy blocks within the individual chakras, having simultaneous feedback on the body and mind.

The Benefits of Hatha Yoga Class:

From what’s been discussed, clearly the practice of Hatha brings benefits to the practitioner, both physically and mentally.

The work of muscle lengthening, joint mobilization and tissue oxygenation helps to prevent and treat the many physical ailments. This includes, back pain, neck pain or lumbar discomfort, resulting from poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, or lack of body awareness. At a more subtle level, it promotes the elimination of toxins, slows down the aging processes and improves the internal functioning of various organs and systems of the body.

Diaphragmatic breathing, involves both physical and mental benefits. Examples include, aiding in stress relief, anxiety, depressive disorders, panic attacks, promotes emotional management, and a greater ability to focus.

Final Thoughts On A Hatha Yoga Class!

In general, Hatha yoga can offer favorable results. Potentially, bringing a change to habits. Possibly offering practitioners better well-being and health of the body-mind system, leading to a better quality of life.

Hatha yoga offers this to all ages and individuals who suffer from various physical conditions. it provides tools and techniques through practice and experience to help modulate energy and re-discover one’s psycho-physical balance.


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