Corpse Pose (Savasana): An Underestimated Yoga Pose That Can Challenge You To The Core!

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Corpse Pose (Savasana):

Name: Corpse Pose

Sanskrit: Savasana

Pronunciation: Sha-VAH-suh-nuh

Pose Level: Beginner

corpse pose


  • Firstly, lie down gently on your mat, supine. 
  • Bend your knees and bring them to your chest.
  • Slowly straighten one leg at a time, bringing them both back to the ground, slightly apart.  
  • Relax both legs, making sure that the tips of the feet rotate slightly outwards, opened and rotated equally.
  • Now focus on the shoulder area, maintaining an open and relaxed position. To help you open, you can raise your arms perpendicular to the floor. Then, keeping your shoulders still, gently bring your arms to the ground placing them on the sides of your body.
  • Continue to use your mind and breath to help relax further.
  • Afterwards, bring attention to the neck, maintaining a position so the ears are at the same distance from each shoulder. In addition, attempt to stretch the neck gently, while also keeping it relaxed.
  • Finally, bring focus to the head. Relax the facial muscles.
  • Let the breath come and go naturally, without forcing it in any way.  
  • Leave the body totally abandoned on the ground. Feel it heavy and let it relax more and more with each breath. 

Stay in this position for a minimum of 10 minutes. A general rule of thumb is that Savasana should be held for 5 minutes for every 30 minutes of practice. 

To get out of the corpse position, start moving your feet, hands and neck slightly. Then, gently rotate your body to the right and stay in this position for a few breaths.

Finally, with your left hand, slowly rise and return to a sitting position.


  • Vitality & inner peace;
  • May aid in improved sleep;
  • Potential for pain relief. For example, migraines, indigestion, and lower back pain;
  • Potential to slow the the heartrate;
  • Helps control blood pressure;
  • Reduce stress;
  • Counteract anxiety and depressive symptoms;
  • Develop body-mind awareness;
  • Develop self-awareness;
  • It represents a door to inner knowledge

Pose Modifications

If you are pregnant, place a bolster, pillow, or blanket for comfort. If you have any pain or problems in the lower back you can use a bolster, and place it under the knees. In this way the lumbar vertebrae and the nearby muscles can become more comfortable.

If ailments to neck, or tension arises in this area during practice, a good idea is to place a low profile pillow or folded towel under the neck and head to keep it in a comfortable neutral position.


If during the practice of the asana tension arises in the lumbar area, you may place a bolster under the knees so that the legs rise slightly to reduce tension. On the other hand, if you have problems in the cervical part, place a pillow under the neck so neck is slightly raised.

If no relief, stop and consult a professional or medical expert for guidance.

Poses Commonly Transitioned to:

Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

Poses Commonly Transitioned From:

Reclined Spinal Twist, Supta Matsyendrasana I

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