Side Plank Yoga Pose: (Vasisthasana)
Name: Side Plank
Sanskrit: Vasisthasana
Pronunciation: Vah-sish-TAHS-anna
Pose Level: Intermediate yoga pose
The most performed form of the side plank is performed by positioning on one side, with the elbow and forearm resting on the ground/mat. The lower limbs extended and feet together, with the pelvis raised from the ground in line with the head, shoulders and spine. However, other variations do exist.
Once reaching this position and alignment, try to always maintain it with correct technique.
Here are some tricks to perform side plank:
- Firstly, position yourself on the ground on one side with the elbow and forearm supporting, forming an angle of 90 degrees;·
- Elbow must be under the corresponding shoulder;·
- Then, extend the legs and feet together on the mat. For example, if you are propped up on the right arm, your right foot will be down on the mat, with the left resting on top;
- The head, shoulders, spine and pelvis should be aligned;·
- Lift the pelvis by starting the movement from the elbow and feet; prevent the torso and pelvis from tilting;
- Maintain the position. In any case, it is not important how long we hold the position, but it is much more useful to focus on adequate muscle engagement.
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- Core
- Upper body
- Glutes
- Arms
- Ankles
Pose Modifications:
A simpler execution to perform, especially for beginners is the beforementioned variation. Moreover, it provides the support of the forearm for balance. For those still building toward this pose, you may also rest your knees on the mat, periodically.
A more difficult variation, includes the use of just the hand for stabilization. Alternatively, you can also reach the opposing arm toward the sky.
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Another popular execution in gyms is the one represented by the side plank “in motion”. Starting from the original position, instead of remaining stationary, allow the hips to fall towards the ground before lifting back to the starting point. During this motion, do not rotate the chest. Before moving on to this exercise, we recommend a good execution technique on the isometric side plank.
Those with wrist, elbow, and shoulder problems should avoid this pose. Understand the basics of the pose. Working with a certified instructor is recommended whenever first starting yoga.
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Poses Commonly Transitioned too:
One legged side plank, High Plank, Low Plank
Poses Commonly Transitioned From:
High Plank, Low Plank