Limited For Time? Squeeze These Poses into a 30-Minute Hatha Yoga Routine

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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30 Minute Hatha Yoga Routine:

Are your limited for time? However, still wish to enjoy the incredible benefits of hatha yoga and corresponding asanas? Well, it’s time you try this 30 minute hatha yoga routine. Today we share a simple, yet effective 30 minute hatha routine.

When done consistently and safely, Hatha yoga is highly effective for both the mind, and body. Oftentimes, Hatha yoga is compared to that of a moderate intensity aerobic conditioning routine. Physically, this style of yoga is perfect for individuals looking to improve strength, flexibility and balance.

In addition, yoga is often used therapeutically in treatment of chronic pain, recovery and treatment of addiction, reduction of stress, anxiety, to improve sleep patterns and for better overall quality of life.

Tadasana – Mountain Pose:

Mountain Pose or Tadasana is the basis for all standing yoga postures. It begins with the idea of an absolute root, feeling the earth beneath you. Although, in theory, this asana may seem simple, there are several mechanisms at play.

mountain yoga pose, 30 Minute Hatha Yoga Routine


  • Begin standing up, feet together;
  • Press down with all ten fingers as you spread them apart;
  • Then activate your quadriceps. Tighten your core while lifting your chest, shoulders down and back. Feel the shoulder blades come closer and open your chest;
  • Keep the palms of your hands facing the inside of the body;
  • Imagine that your head is attracted towards the ceiling. Inhale deeply using the entire torso.
  • Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths.

Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog:

Downward Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana is used in most yoga classes and practices. It serves to lengthen and strengthen the entire body. We always say “one dog pose a day keeps the doctor away”. Downward Dog is more then just a stretch. It helps to relieve tension from the neck, and back were many carry there stress, amongst other things.

downward dog vinayase flow


  • Firstly, get on all fours, hands in line with your shoulders and knees below your hips.
  • Using your toes, lift your hips off the floor. Then, walk your feet back slightly;
  • Keep your knees slightly bent if you feel your hamstrings are too tight, otherwise try to straighten your legs while keeping your hips back;
  • Move your hands forward to give yourself more length if needed. Press your palms firmly towards the floor and rotate your elbows towards one another;
  • Contract your abs and keep straightening your legs to keep your torso back towards your hips;
  • Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths before falling back to your hands and knees to rest.

Kumbhakasana – Plank Pose:

Plank Pose teaches us to balance our body while also helping strengthen the core, shoulders, and arms. In addition, help us learn to breath as we stay in such a complex position.

plank yoga pose


  • Like the above, begin on all fours;
  • Place your toes below your ankles and lift your legs off the mat;
  • Stretch your heels until you feel you are in a straight line from your head to your feet;
  • Engage your lower abs and stretch your shoulders away from your ears;
  • With a gaze forward or down toward the mat, breathe, holding the pose for 8-10 breaths.

Trikonasana – Triangle Pose:

Triangle Pose or Trikonasana is a very useful hatha yoga asana for lengthening the hips, opening the lungs, strengthening the legs, relieving tension from the neck and toning the body.

triangle yoga pose


  • Start by standing upright, with a base about shoulder length;
  • Open and stretch your arms to the sides, at shoulder height;
  • Rotate the right foot 90 degrees and the left toe inward slightly;
  • Engage your quads and abs as you bend towards your right leg.
  • Place your right hand on your ankle, shin, knee, or block, based on comfort;
  • Then, raise your left arm towards the ceiling;
  • Look up, and hold the pose for 5-8 breaths.

Virabhadrasana 1 – Warrior 1:

Warrior poses are essential for increasing strength, confidence, and endurance in a yoga practice. They give us confidence, stretch the hips and thighs while increasing strength, especially in the lower and middle portions of our body.

warrior 1 yoga pose

Warrior Pose 1 or Virabhadrasana 1 is a light bridge; an excellent pose to stretch the front of the body (quadriceps, hip flexors, psoas). Furthermore, strengthening the legs, hips, buttocks, and upper body.


  • Begin standing, then take a big step back with the left foot, like a lunge, by turning the heel down and tilting the toes forward 75 degrees;
  • Lift the chest and stretch your arms up, palms-up;
  • Then, bring them together;
  • Take a step forward. Repeat on the other side. 

Virabhadrasana 2 – Warrior 2

Warrior Pose or Virabhadrasana 2 is a pose that helps stretch the thighs and groin. Furthermore, strengthening the quads, shoulders and core.

warrior II yoga pose


  • Stand with your feet apart;
  • Rotate your right toes 90 degrees then your left toes 45 degrees;
  • Bend your right knee until it is directly above your right ankle, keeping your torso taut between your hips;
  • Stretch your arms parallel to the mat. Right arm to the front, left to the back;
  • Hold the pose for 8-10 breaths before straightening the right leg and turning the feet to the other side to repeat on the opposite side.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana– Bridge pose

A contrast to forward bends are backbends. Bridge Pose is a backbend for beginners helping stretch the abs and hips, while strengthening the back and glutes.

bridge yoga pose


  • Lie on your back;
  • Place your feet hip-width apart. Arms down by your sides;
  • Then, bring your feet closer, up towards your buttocks, and press firmly until your butt is lifted off the mat;
  • Bring the hands under your back, clasping them together (or palms down on the mat), helping open the chest;
  • Imagine dragging your heels on the mat towards your shoulders to contract your hamstrings;
  • Hold for 8-10 breaths, then lower your hips and repeat two more times.

Balasana – Child’s pose 

Child Pose or Balasana is useful not only for beginners, but also for yoga practitioners to bring a yoga routine to a close.

child yoga pose


  • Start on all fours;
  • Then, bring your knees and feet together as you sit on your heels and stretch your arms forward;
  • Alternatively, you may keep your hands to your sides;
  • Afterwards, bring your torso in-between your thighs;
  • Rest your forehead on the floor (block, pillow or blanket) and let your body relax.

Final Thoughts!

Finally, we have come to the end of a quick 30-minute hatha yoga routine. Consequently, both your body and mind should be at ease.

Maybe the most intrinsic of motivations for practicing yoga on a daily basis is just that, it makes your feel better. Moreover from the fact it can be a good exercise, it’s really about finding yourself, staying in the moment, and having a sense of body and mind awareness so you can live a happier and healthier life.


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