What Is Hot Yoga & What Hot Yoga Postures Are Easily The Best for Beginners?

by | Holistic Health, Injury Prevention | Mobility, Yoga

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Hot Yoga Postures Best For Beginners:

For lovers of fitness and wellness, attempting new things keeps exercising fun and energizing. Many individuals have turned to yoga as a way of doing just that. Yoga is often different in terms of it’s practice, relying heavily on basics like stretching and calm breathing (Pranayama). In this post we talk hot yoga in particular, as well as hot yoga postures best for beginners.

What Is Hot Yoga?

For enthusiasts of yoga, venturing into hot yoga offers an intensified experience.

There’s often confusion between hot yoga and practices like Bikram yoga. In reality, hot yoga refers to any yoga class conducted in a heated room, but it’s not a specific type like Bikram. In hot yoga sessions, room temperatures typically range from 85 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, with about forty percent humidity, creating a warm and moist environment.

Bikram yoga, in contrast, is practiced in environments heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. It’s characterized by a specific sequence of 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises, performed in the same order every session. Bikram is known for its more rigid and structured approach to yoga.

Hot yoga, on the other hand, offers greater flexibility in terms of the poses used, which can vary by class or instructor. These classes often incorporate more interactive elements, including music in some instances.

The practice of hot yoga involves exercising in these elevated temperatures, leading to significant sweating. While some practitioners view this as a means to release toxins from the body, we recognize that its benefits extend to various other aspects of mind and body wellness, beyond just detoxification.


Certainly, there’s much more to hot yoga classes! Many of them incorporate Vinyasa-style flows, ensuring that participants are actively engaged and sweating. This flowing style is known for linking a variety of poses, either through specific or more spontaneous sequences. This approach not only enhances the physical workout but also creates a rhythmic and immersive yoga experience.

This can also be a moderate intensity or fairly vigorous type of exercise. As we know, moderate and vigorous forms of exercise of certain lengths is a good thing for both the mind and body.

Just have a look at The American Heart Association bulleted list of recommendations for both kids and adults.

Extensive research underscores the vital role of exercise in maintaining overall body health, and hot yoga is no exception to this.

In the realm of hot yoga, practitioners often find it easier to transition into various poses. The warmth of the heated rooms facilitates quicker muscle warm-up, enhancing their pliability as the session progresses through different sequences.

Many enthusiasts believe that hot yoga allows for deeper stretching, potentially reducing the risk of injury, alleviating stress, and easing muscle tension. The elevated temperature in hot yoga sessions aids in keeping muscles loose, which indeed supports the idea of injury prevention and tension release.

Beyond just flexibility and relaxation, hot yoga is also thought to invigorate and rejuvenate muscles, joints, and even organs, according to some practitioners. While concrete proof of these claims may vary, one thing is certain: hot yoga gets your heart rate up and promotes improved circulation of nutrient-rich blood throughout the body, contributing to overall wellness.

One study even revealed, practices such as Bikram, produced a moderate metabolic response (equivalent to a 3.5 mile brisk walk).

Related Article: Yoga for Healthy Joints: A Beginner’s Guide

Down Side?

Although hot yoga has a variety of health benefits, its also known to have some adverse effects on beginners. For example, dizziness, nausea and fainting. Just one reason to take lot’s of hydration breaks, especially yoga beginners. Likewise, staying hydrated before and after hot yoga is important as well.

If unsure about your fitness level, reach out to an expert. This could be a personal trainer, certified yoga instructor, or medical professional.

Hot Yoga Postures Best For Beginners Revealed:

Considering all these aspects, it’s noteworthy that some of the best postures for beginners in hot yoga are, in fact, the commonly used poses from traditional yoga practices.

Standing Poses

Many sequences used in Vinyasa style of yoga, can be intertwined into hot yoga. Standing hot yoga postures can help to improve balance and maintaining overall, good posture.

Approach your yoga practice with gentleness and kindness towards your body. Yoga is uniquely designed to yield benefits through such an approach. It gently assists in aligning, strengthening, and stretching your back, contributing to overall spinal health.

Similarly, the standing poses in yoga are excellent for developing core strength and enhancing the stability of the lower body. This gentle yet effective approach ensures a holistic improvement in physical well-being.

Seated Hot Yoga Postures:


Seated yoga poses can be a great starting point for new yogi’s, within the realm of hot yoga. Oftentimes, used for many meditation exercises as well. They also help promote flexibility of joints and muscles in the body.

Maybe surprising to some, seated yoga can also target several muscles groups with one pose. Upper body movements can instantly pinpoint areas like the neck, shoulders and arms.

Forward and Backward Bends:

Many people experience some amount of back pain during the course of their lives. Bends are yoga poses that may help to alleviate some strain. “Exercising the back helps reduce stiffness by helping keep connective fibers of ligaments and tendons flexible”.

The simple release of muscular tension may go a long way towards making some of that pain dissipate. There are many other yoga stretching exercises to help with back pain as well.

Balance Poses:

Balance postures are often among the most challenging aspects of yoga practice.

It might seem easy at first thought – after all, we balance on two legs every day, so how hard could it be to balance on one in a yoga class? However, the reality is often quite different.

Maintaining balance on one leg, holding a specific pose, or altering your body’s usual alignment for even a short duration of 5-10 seconds requires significant effort and constant concentration.

But, just as you can build strength through weight training, you can also improve your balance with regular practice. Consistency is key in mastering the art of yoga balance postures.

Final Thoughts!

In summary, when you are in the beginning stages of learning yoga maneuvers, become familiar with many more beginner-friendly poses. Afterwards, as you become more seasoned and comfortable, widen your practice.

Each category of postures and each posture itself has its own unique benefit. This can be said for both the body and potentially the mind, as you will build confidence within.

Please comment and leave feedback! Are there specific hot yoga poses you’d like to share or discuss with other yogi’s?

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