Sports Series: Yoga For Hockey Players – A Killer Slapshot?!

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Yoga For Hockey Players:

The benefits that can be obtained from yoga are not limited to those who seek casual exercise. The sense of mental balance, combined with physical well-being, lends itself perfectly to a bevy of sports. In this yoga for sports series post, we’ll examine how yoga for hockey players can deliver results physically and mentally that will elevate your game by adding some yoga into your routine.

yoga for hockey players

According to yoga instructor Kelly with the Washington Capitals, for athletes, yoga can be helpful for several reasons. For example, structural efficiency, stability, range of motion, as well as building physical and mental resilience. 

Let’s start by looking at a few key areas that yoga can provide benefits to hockey players of all skill levels.

Related Article: Yoga Poses for Abs: What you Need to Know About Yoga and Increasing Core Strength

Specific Benefits of Yoga for Hockey Players

Whether you’re a high-speed forward or a stonewall goaltender, you can absolutely experience benefits when utilizing yoga for hockey players. Every single position on the ice requires exceptional endurance, extreme flexibility, and powerful legs.

Although the poses and postures of yoga don’t have the macho look or feel of other workout routines that incorporate large hunks of iron, yoga can improve all three of these key areas. By choosing the proper sequence, you can focus on each of these individual areas of interest to maximize your game and become the best hockey player you can be.

Yoga Sequence for Hockey Players

I. Warrior Pose II (Virabhadrasana II)

warrior yoga pose for hockey players

A great place to start when building your yoga sequence tailored explicitly to hockey player’s and other athletes needs, is Warrior pose II. Believed to increase stamina, this pose is reminiscent of a standard lunge and works to strengthen several key areas of the body.

Even for athletes, being new to yoga, it’s imperative to take things slow. Moreover, this can be a pose to get you going. Warrior II is done in a standing positing. Furthermore, is a stretch, strength and balance type position. Benefits of this powerful pose, focuses on your arms, back, hamstrings, chest, hips and quadriceps. 

Many of these poses have the capability of aiding in the enhancement of your physiology, both physically and mentally. Above all, perform this posture while being mindful of keeping a correct posture and purposeful breathing patterns.


1. It is cohesive to transition into this position after Mountain pose. Begin by spreading your feet farther then shoulder width apart (roughly 4 feet). 

2. Both arms should be raised into the air,  parallel to the floor. Your palms should be down, almost attempting to stretch the fingertips and reach as far as you can in each direction.

3. Your back foot should be positioned to where your toes are facing the right wall, and the center of this foot should be in line with the front (or left) knee cap. At this time, the front torso should be in the same direction as your back foot’s toes. 

4.  Your front foot, toes specifically, will face the wall directly in front of you. Your quad or thigh should remain firm, and your left knee will be overtop your left ankle. 

5.  Then, as you get into this position, attempt to press into the feet. Relax deeper into this stretch, lowering your hips further toward the floor, attempting to get your left thigh parallel to the floor if possible. 

6. Throughout the pose, focus on breathing, your back leg should also remain straightened, pressing firmly into your yoga mat.

7. Hold this pose for 30 sec. – 1 minute. Then repeat with opposing leg in front. 

Related Article: Combining Bootcamp and Yoga: Ideas for Yoga Bootcamp

II. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

chair yoga pose for hockey players

Chair pose helps to improve leg strength. Much like the squat, this position will work to use your natural body weight to enhance the strength and definition in your quadriceps.

In any hockey workout routine, legs are going to be a huge area of focus, and while yoga may not deliver the gains you’re looking for, it can be beneficial certainly to help with overall strength, balance, and endurance!

Furthermore, Chair pose is a beginner friendly asana, done like the Warrior pose in a standing position. Utkatasana is considered a forward-bend, stretch, strength and balance, type pose. Utkatasana benefits the arms, hips, pelvis, quadriceps, and knees.


1. Begin with your feet together (or slightly apart, less then shoulder width). Toes facing directly forward, well balanced on each leg. 

2. Lift your arms about shoulder height. Reach your fingertips toward the sky, drawing your shoulders back at the same time. 

3. Then exhale, start to lower the hips and taking them back as if doing a squat, or as if you were going to sit in a chair.

4. You should attempt to get your hips close to a 90 degree angle, never more. At this time, much of the weight will be on the back of your heels. 

5. Hold this position for a 30-second count or more. This can be challenging, but can build great stamina and strength in your lower body if done on a consistent basis. 

III. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

tree yoga pose for hockey players

Warrior II is great for stretching out key areas of your body before your workout. Conversely, Chair pose works wonders to strengthen and enhance your quads. Following these two poses with Tree pose works on a less tangible attribute.

A great beginner pose, helping with stretch, strength and balance, as well as to feel centered and grounded. Vrksasana benefits your hamstrings, quadriceps, and hips.

In the list of characteristics found in any hockey player, balance is bound to be high on the list. In order to be light on your feet and change direction on the ice with an effortless wisp of intention, you’ll need to enhance your balance. This is where the tree pose can play a pivotal role in yoga for hockey players.


1. Firstly, stand facing-forward or from Tadasana, begin by bringing your right foot up to the left inner thigh. Attempt to keep the hips facing forward. The right knee will be facing the right wall. 

2. Because the hips are to rotate very little to not at all, the right knee may swing slightly forward to compensate, depending on flexibility level(s). 

3. Balance the hands on the hips. The key to this asana is balance, some may not be able to bring the right foot high up on the thigh, so attempt to bring as high as possible, but still remaining balanced. 

4. The left thigh and right foot should be pressing into one-another. 

5. The left leg should remain strong, chest forward. Begin to bring your palms together in front of your torso. 

6. Inhale, keeping the hands together and moving them overhead toward the sky. 

7. Hold for a few breaths. Repeat with the opposing legs. 

IV. Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

plank yoga pose for athletes

The last yoga posture for hockey players is Plank pose. This well-known yoga posture is one of the most effective at building endurance and power in the abdominal area. Your body’s core isn’t named as such based solely on its location within the human anatomy.

It is, in general, the core focal point that generates all movement, stability, and power. Working to enhance your core strength is an excellent way to see substantial improvements in your hockey game.

This may be a beginner pose, but that doesn’t mean the benefits can’t be immense. This is a strength-type yoga pose, with benefits falling on the core, arms, and lower back. 


1. Many begin this pose from Downward Facing Dog or a pose like Standing Forward Fold. Ideally, with Plank pose, your hands will be underneath your shoulders, pushing your palms into the floor (or you can use your forearms to rest your body weight, pictured above).

2. Your torso, quads and feet should be in a straight line. 

3. Keep your back straight, try not to arch your back. 

4. Hold this pose for 2-4 slow breaths or 30-seconds intervals, increasing with repetition.

Check out this 28-Minute Advanced and Thorough Yoga for Hockey Players Routine, Below!

Final Thoughts!

It’s important that if you’ve never tried yoga before, to start slow. Likewise with anything else new, even a highly trained athlete needs to be aware of the limitation of his/her body. 

Hopefully this has been a helpful guide to using yoga for hockey players. From here, you can add more advanced asanas to focus on individual needs. Please share any success stories on our blog in the comments section.


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