Today’s Spotlight: Background, “Benefits” & Uses for Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

by | Aromatherapy, Candle Making, Essential Oils, Soap Making

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Ylang Ylang Essential Oil:

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorta) is yellow in color and is a star-shaped flower. It is a tropical species found natively in countries surrounding the Indian Ocean. For instance, India, Malaysia, Philippines, and Australia. Ylang Ylang grows on the Cananga tree. The sourcing of Ylang Ylang essential oil is from the flowers of Cananga odorata botanical via steam distillation.  


what is ylang ylang essential oil


Tidbits Of Ylang Ylang’s History:

C. odorta has been used to treat many ailments. For example, malaria, stomach ailments, asthma, gout and rheumatism, according to the Evidence Based Complementary Alternate Medicine Journal, 2015

A main component of the oil is linalool. Linalool is a compound that’s been found in several studies to help with symptoms of stress. One such 2018 study suggested linalool may be considered an alternative to more traditional treatments for social stress induced mental illnesses. 

Likewise to many others oil aroma, it is thought to stimulate a part of the brain called the limbic system. Consequently, helping to decrease symptoms of anxiety, stress, and tension of the mind. It also has a history of being used to help; treat cuts, burns and insect bites. Most notably in areas of the world like the Philippines. 


ylang ylang essential oil for the skin and body


Characteristics of Ylang Ylang Continued:

For many years, the oils from these flowers have been used to make some of the most popular perfumes, with it’s amazing versatility. Furthermore, there are several types of essential oils this flower has the ability to produce. 

The oils from the Ylang Ylang flower vary in intensity of their scent. It’s profile is heavy on the sweet, and slightly floral, with notes of jasmine and neroli. 

Ylang Ylang Extra is the most potent oil. Oftentimes used in top-notch perfumes. As such, described as having a rich aroma. Ylang Ylang is touted for it’s many benefits. It’s usage can be via aromatherapy diffusers, topically in massage oils, as well as other bath and beauty products. 

It is mainly used externally. Again, touted to promote things like healthy skin and hair. Furthermore, the ability to balance oils in the skin and hair, helping with irritation, and encouraging new hair growth. 

Like lavender, Ylang Ylang is extremally versatile in it’s usages. In fact, it’s used quite nicely as a top note, or middle note when creating personalized aromas.


Uses of Ylang Ylang Essential Oils


potential benefits of ylang ylang essential oil


In addition,

  • Ylang Ylang oil can be put in your bath, with carrier oils.
  • Apply it on your wrists for a sweet floral scent.
  • Use it to refresh your face with an aromatherapy steam facial.
  • It acts as a deep hair conditioner when added to fraction-ate coconut oil.
  • May help to kill lice in certain spray combinations.
  • In food and beverages, Ylang-Ylang oil acts as a flavor additive.
  • It can be used as a fragrance for soaps and other bath and beauty cosmetics.


Main Components of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil:

Linalool, Geranyl acetate, Germacrene-D, beta-Caryophyllene, Benzyl acetate, Geraniol, Methyl p-Cresol, Methyl benzoate, Geranyl acetate, Farnasene, and Benzyl benzoate. 

The main component for many of the following benefits of this oil is Linalool. 


Benefits Of Ylang Ylang Essential Oils

Potential For Relieve Stress:


ylang ylang oil and stress relief


The thought on essential oils, when it comes to being stress reducing in aromatherapy applications often has to do with emotional stimulation. Specifically, there ability to stimulate positive emotional regions within the brain. 

The region of the brain called the limbic system has influences on the nervous system and emotions. 

So whether through inhalation or absorption via the skin, essential oils are believed to have the ability to reduce stress levels. Since linalool is a compound that has shown to have abilities on stress symptoms, it’s no wonder Ylang Ylang oil is used by some to help combat things like social-anxiety and stress.

One study in 2006, Ylang Ylang oil was applied transdermal, to investigate human psychological parameters and self-evaluation after adsorption. The results were positive for Ylang Ylang oil as a means of relaxation effects in aromatherapy.


Potential To Help With High Blood Pressure:


ylang ylang and blood pressure and cortisol reduction


A residual effect of essential oils and their common properties can potentially therefore be linked, at least short-term, to lowering blood pressure. 

Many people when stressed, or anxious have increased blood pressure as a side effect. Ylang Ylang essential oils and it’s calming properties may therefore have the potential to lower blood pressure. 

In fact, specific bioactivities have also been extensively studied over the past decade. This, according to the Evidence Based Complementary Alternate Medicine Journal, 2015 of the essential oils and extracts of C. odorata. Essential oils have shown to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressures through sniffing, as well as decreased pulse rate and stress level. 

One study in 2006, concluded that essential oil blends including bergamot, lavender and ylang ylang can be considered an effective nursing intervention that reduces stress responses and serum cortisol levels, as well as blood pressure.

Another study in 2012, used an inhaled blend of Ylang Ylang in 83 subjects, along with lavender, marjoram and neroli. Like in the above 2006 study, the individuals assigned to the experiential group, experienced decreases in blood pressure. Cortisol levels were also measured and showed decreasing levels. 

2013 study further looked at Ylang Ylang oil (YYO) specific to healthy men. Specifically, at heart rate, blood pressure (systolic & diastolic) as well as analyzed EKG rhythms before and after inhalation of YYO. The results showed significant decreases in both SBP & DBP.


Potential To Repair Damaged Hair


for hair health and support


Ylang Ylang has been shown to stimulate sebum production. It’s been found to be included in many cosmetic products. These range from skin care, to hair growth promotors, and sunscreen compositions. 


Potential To Boost Mood:

We know there is some evidence to support Ylang Ylang oil acting more as a sedative, as well as it’s abilities to enhance mood. 

study in 2018 revealed YYO as having a positive effect on anti-anxiety. This effect was associated with a specific pathway in the hippocampus and relevant to the serotonin system.

One study in 2008, looked at peppermint vs. Ylang Ylang oil, and found that peppermint oil increased alertness and memory, while Ylang Ylang impaired memory, lengthened processing speed and and alertness. It had a more calming/sedative effect.


Potential Antibacterial/Immune System Support:


immune support and health


Ylang Ylang has be scientifically proven to possess antibiofilm, and antioxidant properties. This knowledge certainly seems to be an indication for future and more rigorous studies of it’s ability to effect or alter bacteria, or infectious processes. 

As well as having antibacterial properties, Ylang Ylang oil has also been studied as an anti-inflammatory, and insect repellent.


Potential To Help With Dry & Oily Skin:


ylang ylang oil for dry skin


There is some evidence of YYO being healthy for the skin. Surely, due to it’s antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The oils have been known to help with individuals with varying degrees of dry and oily skin when combined with a carrier oil. 

There is evidence of certain compounds suggesting oil inhibiting cell melanogenesis. There is some potential that YYO can help offer a a certain level of protection to the skin from oxidative stress. 

Ylang Ylang oil is also touted for it’s ability to maintain hydration, conditioning and enhancing circulation in the skin. 


Side Effects of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil:

Do not ingest any of the essential oils talked about here on our site. The application we refer to is only externally. It’s important to also consult with a medical expert before using any essential oil for therapeutic or medicinal purposes.

In the event you feel one of the oils we’ve talked about may be beneficial, you need to speak with a medical professional. We are simply providing research and data on the essential oils we use in some of our products. 

Do not use essential oils on children or in pregnant women without consulted your healthcare provider. 

Do not stop any current treatment or interventions that have been approved by a doctor. If you wish to use essential oils, speak with a medical professional, if in reference to helping treat a medical disorder. 


Final Thoughts!

Likewise with any essential oil, it’s important to do your research. We love Ylang Ylang oil. Specifically, for it’s aromatics and use in aromatherapy, as it brings us a sense of peace and relaxation. 

Be sure to share your experience with the use of this oil. Specifically healthy applications you may have used it in!


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