Most Used Essential Oils for Body Massage

by | Aromatherapy, Essential Oils

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Aromatherapy Body Massage:

An aromatherapy body massage is a fantastic way to relax both the body and mind. These specific types of massages are becoming more popular. Specifically, when discussing the inclusion of essential oils. The benefits of just a regular massage, may have just entered another stratosphere. In fact, aromatherapy massages with essential oils may help ease body pain, create or deepen relaxation, and can even improve your mood.

Let’s talk more about the benefits of aromatherapy body massages. Furthermore, we’ll discuss some of the most popular essential oils for body massages.

What Is An Aromatherapy Body Massage?

aromatherapy body massage with essential oils

You may be wondering what an aromatherapy body massage looks like. In short, aromatherapy massages include a full body massage. A professional masseuse will use their hands to deeply press into the muscle tissues and lymph nodes of the body using a few different techniques. This can include techniques like Swedish massages, deep tissue, and hot stone massages.

Now, in addition to these techniques, essential oils are then added to the overall experience. Essential oils help create a form of aromatherapy. Smelling these oils as they are rubbed onto the body and absorbed through the skin, can help give you a sense of deeper relaxation. Many essential oils are touted for their own individual physical and mental health benefits.

You can read more about specific oils like; lavenderpeppermintvetiver and patchouli, by clicking their corresponding link.

The goal of the essential oils is to further enhance the effects of the massage. The two elements play off one another. This is what makes aromatherapy body massages so unique.

Benefits Of An Aromatherapy Body Massage:

Reduces Stress and Improves Mental Health:

Ginger essential oil extract with powder and rhizome on wooden table.

If you’re looking to reduce overall stress levels and improve mental health short term, aromatherapy massages may be something to add, periodically. Aromatherapy in general, is a great stress reducer. The aroma of these oils are said to stimulate the limbic system of the brain which hence effects emotions. Then, coupled with the professionally carried out massage, taking the tension and anxiety out of the body, entering into a state of pure bliss.

Certain essential oils may help enhance this effect even more. Chamomile and lavender for example, may help calm the body, hence getting your thoughts and body under control more effectively. Chamomile in specific, has been said to have a sedative-type effect. 

Lavender is one of the more researched essential oils, and may have the ability to act as a sleep aid. Specifically, with sleep disorders like insomnia, by helping calm the nervous system. In some cases, this type of massage can even reduce symptoms of stress, generalized anxiety, and help you feel more balanced over-all.

Induces Further Muscle Relaxation:

Surely, muscle relaxation is a common reason people get massages. A good massage helps to get rid of knots and overly tense muscles. However, with the inclusion of essential oils, could this take your body to a deeper place of calm?

Certain natural oils help the body unwind, allowing muscles to loosen up even more. Uniquely, Sandalwood is touted for relieving muscle tension and inflammation. Certain compounds in vetiver essential oil have been suggested to be anti-inflammatory solutions as well. 

Reduces Pain & Body Aches:

Finally, aromatherapy body massages are ideal for body aches and pain. Even if you suffer from chronic pain, this type of massage may just be the answer. Aromatherapy may have the ability to reduce pain as well. In fact, oils like bergamot, have been shown in studies that when used as complementary medicines, can help further manage pain. 

Surely, you can see how adding essential oils to an already beneficial massage, may be beneficial to pain sufferers.

Massages also help to release tension, and realign muscle tissues to reduce pain. With the help of essential oils, pain may be reduced even further. Joint pain, neck pain, inflammation, and back pain are just some of the issues that have the potential to be lessoned with aromatherapy massages with essential oils. 

Most Popular Essential Oils For Body Massages:

In this final section, we’ll talk about some of the most popular choices of essential oils used for a body massage. Each oil has its own potential healing properties.

Remember, essential oils may effect individuals, differently. An essential oil that is calming to one, may not have the same effect to another.

1. Frankincense Essential Oil:

Frankincense is a popular essential oil. It is known for it’s musty pine aroma, with notes of citrus, spice, and earthy aromatics. Like many oils. it comes with it’s own touted and suggestive benefits. For example, as a respiratory aide. One study even concluded that it helped to reduce symptoms of asthma in 70% of patients in the study. 

It’s also been said to have an effect on reducing anxiety and body tension. In addition, Frankincense is used by some to help with body pains. One study concluded it’s potential to aide in helping decrease inflammation in illnesses such as ulcerative colitis, bronchitis and sinusitis.

2. Bergamot Essential Oil:

Bergamot oil can be found in Italy. It has been used for centuries to help heal and relax the human body. With hints of orange and citrus it has remained a popular choice of oil. Research has indicated that Bergamot may also help with chronic pain reduction. This beautiful scent has become a go to for many aromatherapy enthusiast.

Some caution should be used with the use of any oil. It’s important to understand how to dilute oils properly to apply to the skin. Several essential oils, if not diluted properly, can result in rashes or skin irritation. 

3. Lavender Essential Oil:

what is lavender essential oil

Quite possibly the most recognizable and universally well liked essential oil is lavender. Furthermore, is another staple to be used with aromatherapy body massage. Lavender smells amazing and has several researched health benefits. Oftentimes, professional masseuses use this oil to soothe their clients and bring balance to the body.

Lavender oil is made by steam distillation of mature freshly harvested lavender flowers. It has been shown to help with stress symptoms or anxiety related issues. Studies have shown that this natural oil helps in reducing the effects of anxiety on the body. Thus, is a popular oil for sleep sufferers. Specifically, for those that suffer from insomnia.

In addition, lavender is one of the easiest oils to blend. It can be utilized as a top, middle or bottom note to other oils. Likewise, it’s used to bring the aroma out of specific oils, better.

Lavender works well with mint aromas, litsea, orange, patchouli, even vetiver.

4. Coriander Essential Oil:

Coriander essential oil can be paired with massage as well. This oil has been commonly used for people who may suffer from bouts of fatigue

Coriander is suggested to have components for use in antimicrobial and antifungal applications. Furthermore, inhibiting growth of certain strains of infections

Overall, this oil has a light and sweet scent and is excellent in not just cooking in your spice collection, but also has an oil in massage.

5. Peppermint Essential Oil:

Peppermint essential oil is a natural energy booster. It has a bold and easily recognizable aroma, that many people link to relaxation. Heavily used in aromatherapy, essential oil diffusers and even car diffusers, for it’s ability to give you that extra little energy boost.

Many ancient civilizations used peppermint to heal the body. The Egyptians, Greeks, and even the ancient Romans used this oil on their body to heal themselves. It has been touted to help with digestive issues, like IBS, as well as helping with symptoms of nausea, the common cold, joint pain and muscle aches. 

Putting peppermint around the temple area and behind the ears may also help with reducing tension and headache. Aromatherapy in one study of shoulder pain, showed that acupressure along with aromatherapy showed a 30% reduction in pain symptoms. 

6. Ginger Essential Oil:

The last oil we’ll discuss is ginger essential oil. Ginger itself has long been known to have anti-inflammatory compounds or chemicals called gingerols. This natural remedy has been beneficial for joint pain. For example, knees, elbows, and shoulder pain.

Many athletes/weightlifters or people who are regular exercisers may benefit from this natural anti-inflammatory. Ginger may be a good complementary solution for Rheumatoid Arthritis as well. According to one animal study in 2016, rats that were given ginger essential oils had lower rates of chronic joint inflammation.

Another 2001 study concluded that a highly purified ginger extract had a statistically significant effect on knee pain symptoms in patients with osteoarthritis. 

Final Thoughts!

Be sure to share some of your favorite essential oils that you use during a massage. Also, keep in mind to use these oils responsibly. We never recommend ingestion or direct application of essential oils to the skin, as some of them can be irritating. Always dilute with a carrier oil. 

If any negative reaction occurs, stop using immediately and consult a licensed medical professional or holistic expert.

Make sure to do your research and buy these oils from reputable sellers. Not all essential oils are pure extracts, and not all are created equal, so do your do-diligence. If you find inexpensive essential oils, there may be be a reason for it!


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