Common Ways to Improve & Increase Self-Confidence or Self-Esteem

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Ways To Improve & Increase Self-Confidence or Self-Esteem:

Has there ever been someone successful and truly happy in there lives that wasn’t confident in themselves or what they were doing? Probably not! 

In fact, having high self-confidence can help in all aspects of your life. Some individuals just exude confidence. Seemingly, that’s just how they’re “wired”. On the contrary, some struggle with this very characteristic.

Having low self-esteem could be from a number of factors. In fact, there is an abundance amount of literature about this very thing. Surely, having low self-esteem and/or confidence can make it difficult to view yourself in a positive light. Unfortunately, many suffer from a lack of both.

Truly, you’re not alone if struggling with esteem issues. However, if you can improve this very aspect of yourself, the more likely you’ll see success.

How You Can Improve & Increase Self Confidence or Self Esteem:

A secret pill doesn’t exist for improving self-esteem or self-confidence within. It can take work. With both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, you to can improve these very aspects within your life.

Oftentimes, the most obvious ways to help increase these characteristics, are also the most effective, but sometimes difficult to recognize and put into action.

We’ve put together a short list of some of the most effective ways to improve self-esteem and increase confidence.

Focus On Positive Traits/Strengths and Act On Them:

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We all have things that we need to work on. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, make your positive traits work to your advantage. This will help you move forward in your life. In addition, help aim towards more achievable goals. Surely, you can always come back to try and improve on things you struggle with. However, sometimes people have ceilings on certain traits, why not focus on making your positive traits even better!

Stop comparing yourself to others, it’s simply not a healthy way to live. It can cause you to create a feeling of envy towards others. A bigger house or a higher paying job, doesn’t always make you a happier individual. Ever heard the phrase, “the grass is not always greener on the other side”?

Focusing on the negative, may just be the excuse that prevents you from making essential changes in your life. Instead, try changing your mindset and attitude. No one succeeds at everything they do. At the very least, try channeling your strengths into something positive, and act.

Hone in on Hobbies or Activities That You Are Passionate About:

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Is there something you’re passionate about? Are there things in life that truly interest you? Don’t let hobbies and skills go to the wayside. Stop doubting yourself! In fact, if you give up on things that you’re passionate about or excited to do, this may contribute to a lack of confidence, further proving to yourself, you’re incapable of succeeding.

Again, look at your strengths and stick with activities that will increase your self-esteem. Once you start doing something you enjoy, and see that you’re capable of doing it, you’ll feel better about yourself. It’s okay to fail. You may not see results right away. These small failures, lead to many things learned.  

Anything worth doing in life, takes time to master.

Try Working Out:

Here is another obvious one, right!? Increase self-esteem and provide yourself a confidence a boost, by simply working out. Working out doesn’t have to be intense or vigorous. In fact, people that believe this to be true, may be less likely to engage in workouts or aerobic activity. Simply, starting a walking routine in the mornings, at lunch, or after work, helps release “happy hormones” (endorphins), providing some instantaneous results.

Heck, you may even find yourself shedding a few pounds, if that’s your goal. Furthermore, looking in the mirror and beaming with a healthy look, can be a major confidence upgrade.

A regular workout routine gives you purpose and helps you look and feel better overall. In addition, exercise is the perfect way to prove to yourself that you are competent. As beforementioned, it also causes the release of chemicals in the brain that make you feel better (endorphins). With consistent workouts, you are bound to feel better overall. 

When you finally see the results of your hard work, your confidence can only go upward. The goal of your workout should not be purely physical, though. Gaining confidence through working-out involves goal setting and hard work. Getting more fit is a side effect of your dedication and determination!

Add alternative forms of mind-body exercise like yoga and meditation to the mix as well, as this can help stress levels and keep your mind at ease. Even embarking on aromatherapy, essential oils or a massage, may be something that interests you. A good aroma can always help lift your mood!

Surround Yourself With Uplifting People:

Who are your surrounding yourself with? Obviously, you’ll want to surround yourself with individuals whom have your best interests at heart. In addition, one’s that will seemingly lift you up. Social circle’s are important. These circles can help improve, or unfortunately, negatively impact your self-confidence and self-esteem. Take a hard look at the people around you.

Cut out the naysayers. Anyone that is bringing toxic or demeaning energy into your life, speak with them about there actions. Let your feelings show a little. Oftentimes, a little vulnerability can go along way.

Challenge Yourself With Difficult Tasks/Goals:

When you have low self-confidence, you may struggle to enter new situations, trying new things. However, goal setting and challenging yourself is a key part of growth and confidence-boosting. You may not believe you are capable of doing something difficult. However, if you can push yourself to enter situations that get you closer to your goals, you will improve your self-esteem.

By actively proving to yourself that you are capable of doing difficult and new things you will see a difference in your self-perception and confidence. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. If you know that you have some competency in an area of your life, prove to yourself you are capable!

Cut Out Negative Self Talk:

Be honest with yourself. In fact, be realistic about where you are in your life. Thus, consequently helping create goals and fully understanding what actions need to be taken to get where you want to go.

Simultaneously, try not being overly harsh or critical to yourself. It’s important to question and assess yourself, but you want to be constructive with your criticism, this way you don’t tear yourself down.

Cut out thoughts that are unnecessary, damaging, or overly negative. For example, thoughts that you will never amount to anything; that you are worthless; or that you are a lost cause. This type of negative thinking is destructive, instead of constructive.

On the whole, you’ll want to be aware of your weak points. However, don’t beat yourself up over them. Instead, find out what you need to improve on and focus on becoming a better version of yourself. This will boost your confidence.

Help Other People:

Sometimes, we need to take a step back from ourselves to see our true potential. It’s easy to get stuck within our own problems and potential limitations. However, helping others can reroute our mindset.

When you go out of your way to help someone who is struggling, you’re almost sure to improve your self-esteem. An example of this gesture, may simply be in the way of volunteering.

Oftentimes, volunteering takes you out of your comfort zone, but at the same time has valuable lessons. Furthermore, highlighting how impactful your actions can be.

Do Not Constantly Compare Yourself to Other People:

In today’s social media age, it is easy to compare ourselves to others. Some of us may wish to look a certain way, have a higher IQ, or simply feel more successful. However, looking at other people and their achievements, comparing them to our own, is not always helpful. In some cases, it can be downright harmful to your self-confidence.

It’s okay to want to achieve the same goals as someone else, but remember to go at your own pace. People’s success is not always what it seems. Oftentimes, we don’t see the hard work and time others spent getting to where they are. Similarly, we don’t see all of the failures that person may have had a long the way.

Final Thoughts!

Thanks for coming by! We hope you enjoyed the post and have been able to take something away from it.

As always, feel free to comment on other ways you have increased your confidence or self-esteem below!


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