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Backbends are a wonderfully dynamic set of postures that you can practice in yoga. In our daily routines, we are in a constant state of forward bends. But our backs have the capability to bend backward as well. Adding these yoga positions into your practice can provide a good sense of balance to your whole body. Today we discuss advanced backbend poses.
Backbends are also considered “heart openers” in the yoga practice. They allow the energy of the heart chakra to open. It is appropriate to set an intention of receiving or giving while practicing yoga backbends. The positive flow of energy in this heart center contributes to greater well-being and connection with self and others.
There are many backbends to practice. Typical backbends include Bridge Pose, Wheel Pose, or Fish Pose. But if you are an experienced yogi, and have a flexible back, you may want to try some advanced backbend yoga poses. Here are a few to consider for your heart-opening practice.
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There are several ways in which you can practice King Pigeon Pose. As an advanced backbend, you can add a binding component to the posture.
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (ay-kah pah-dah rah-jah-kah-poh-tah-sah-nah) or One Legged King Pigeon Pose is a dynamically advanced yoga posture that features a backbend, hip opener, shoulder and chest stretch. Like other backbends, it strengthens and stretches your lower back muscles, stretches your abdominal muscles, and releases tension in your hips, knees, and ankle joints.
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How To Practice
Another very advanced backbend yoga pose also features the pigeon name, but it is performed differently. It is a full backbend that will open your entire front body. It also targets your shoulders, knees, and ankles.
How to Practice
Bow Pose is an advanced backbend yoga pose that resembles the bow of a bow and arrow. The Sanskrit name is Dhanurasana (don-yoo-rah-sah-nah) which targets several parts of your body. This deep backbend creates greater flexibility and strength in your back. It also stretches the abdominal muscles, releases tight thighs and hip flexors, and opens your shoulders and chest.
How To Practice
These are advanced yoga backbends and require skill, technique, and practice. It would be wise to work with a highly qualified yoga instructor to help guide you into these challenging yoga postures to avoid potential injury.
If you are pregnant or have stomach or back issues, you may want to refrain from practicing some of these advanced yoga poses. It is always a good idea to consult with your doctor before engaging in any yoga exercise.
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