Camel Pose: (Ustrasana)

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Camel Pose: (Ustrasana)

Name: Camel Pose

Sanskrit: Ustrasana

Pronunciation: Oosh-trahs-anna

Pose Level: Advanced

camel yoga pose


  • Kneel on your mat with the knees and feet parallel. Sit back on the heels. Knees should be roughly hip-width apart. Toes can be tucked under or strait back.
  • Now, bring the hands to the lower back and lift the chest. Then bring the hips up and out, while tucking the tailbone downward as well as the shoulders.
  • Think about your shoulder blades as aiding the chest/heart to open up toward the sky.
  • Bring the gaze up and forward. Attempt to grab toward the ankles.
  • Now inhale and exhale in this position.
  • For a more advanced camel pose your may untuck the toes, giving a slightly deeper arch.


Upper body, core

Helps strengthen the muscles in the back, thighs and buttock.

Pose Modifications:

Place a pillow or a small folded blanket under the knees for comfort and support. You may also leave your hands on the lower back instead of the heels.

As discussed prior, you may also try untucking the toes, given in to a more advanced pose.

Another variant consists in lifting and extending one arm upwards, while the hand of the opposite arm rests on the heel.


Ustrasana is to be avoided in the case of back, neck and shoulder problems, and potential abdominal injuries. To be avoided during pregnancy.

As a beginner, take caution, not to spread the knees wider then hip-width. In addition, because of the advanced nature of this pose, use warm up asanas or stretches.

Finally, make sure to always counter backbends of this sort with forward bends in your practice.

Camel pose is another asana where blocks can come in handy. Placing them next to the feet at an elevated height until your practice improves.

Poses Commonly Transitioned too:

Child’s Pose/ Extended Child’s Pose

Poses Commonly Transitioned From:

Hero Pose

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