Eagle Pose (Garudasana): Find Your Focus!

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Eagle Pose (Garudasana):

Name: Eagle Pose

Sanskrit: Garudasana

Pronunciation: gah-rue-DAHS-anna

Pose Level: Eagle Pose is a beginner-intermediate level pose

Don’t let the simplistic appearance of Garudasana fool you. This yoga pose requires, strength, endurance, flexibility and focus.

eagle pose garudasana

Anatomy Involved:

Eagle pose place’s emphasis on the entire body. Moreover, helping to improve strength, flexibility and balance. Garudasana stretches the upper back, shoulders, and thighs. Furthermore, targeting the core and legs. Maintaining a focus on tightening and engaging the core is key to success with Eagle pose.


  • Improves Balance: Enhances stability and poise, crucial for coordination.
  • Increases Focus & Body Awareness: Sharpens mental concentration and awareness of physical alignment.
  • Enhances Endurance: Builds stamina through maintaining the pose.
  • Boosts Core Strength: Engages and strengthens the core muscles.
  • Strengthens Legs, Ankles, and Thighs: Targets lower body strength, reinforcing these areas.
  • Stretches Shoulders and Upper Back: Offers a deep stretch, alleviating tension in the upper body.

Step-By-Step Instructions:

  • Firstly, get into Mountain pose. Alternatively, you may begin in Chair pose.
  • Secondly, begin to shift your weight to one foot or the other. In this case we’ll begin with shifting weight to our left foot.
  • Simultaneously, bringing your right foot behind the left calf. Thus, requiring you to first bring your right thigh over your left thigh, then tucking/curling your foot behind the left calf.
  • Then, reach both arms to the front of your body. Wrap your left arm over your right, bring the palms of the hands, or back of the hands together.
  • Raise your arms, (if not already), to shoulder height.
  • Finally, you may maintain this position for a cycle of 5-10 deep breaths. Alternatively, sit back into chair pose, to better engage leg muscles.

Pose Modifications of Eagle Pose:

If balance is an issue, try this pose against a wall. Alternatively, you could rest one of your feet on a yoga block rather then curling it behind the calf.

Try Eagle pose in a chair.

Another variation would be placing your foot in sort of a kickstand, simply resting the toes on the floor. It’s all about finding your comfort zone. Pose modifications are okay!

Related Article: A Reference Guide To The Most Popular Chair Yoga Postures & Poses


Oftentimes, contraindications of Eagle pose come down to joint related issues. Consequently, if you’ve had or have knee, wrist, shoulder injuries, this may be a pose to avoid. Modify it to fit your needs. Furthermore, if balance is an issue be sure to use one of the modifications mentioned above.

Poses Commonly Transitioned too:

Childs pose, Mountain pose, Downward-facing Dog

Poses Commonly Transitioned from:

Downward-Facing Dog, Chair Pose, Virasana

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