How to Practice Easy Pose (Sukhasana) – An “Easy” Guide

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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How to Practice Easy Pose (Sukhasana):

One of the most basic, yet important, yoga postures is Easy Pose. This is a seated crossed-legged posture that calls for a lengthened spine, strong core, and flexible hips. Let’s take a closer look at this seated posture to understand its significance and how to practice it properly.

The Sanskrit word for Easy Pose is Sukhasana (soo-kah-sah-nah). Any level of yogi can practice this posture yet it comes with its own set of challenges. Although the name for this seated position is “easy,” it refers not to its level of difficulty, but it means to bring the body to an “eased state.” It is often practiced while meditating, but can also be a resting posture in a moving Hatha Yoga class.

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The challenges of Easy Pose are related to the body parts that are targeted while practicing this common pose: spine, back, hips, knees, and ankles.

Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

Easy Seated Pose:

1. Starting PositionSit on your yoga mat with legs extended in front of you.
2. Bend Right KneeGently draw your right foot toward your pelvis.
3. Bend Left KneeBring your left foot toward your right knee, crossing your legs at the shins.
4. Adjust Leg PositionEnsure your left foot rests under your right knee, and your right foot under your left knee. Switch the cross of your legs if needed for comfort.
5. Sit UprightSit as tall as possible, elongating your spine while keeping shoulders relaxed.
6. Core EngagementEngage core muscles for stability. Optionally, practice Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock).
7. Hand PlacementRest your hands on your lap or knees. If meditating, form a Mudra (hand gesture).
8. DurationHold the pose for 10-20 breaths, or longer for meditation. Focus on steady breathing and maintaining posture.

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Use of Props

Because you are sitting with your legs crossed and a lengthened back, you are welcome to use props to help support the pose. Try sitting on a blanket for greater comfort. Doing this slightly tilts the pelvis forward so you’re able to sit up taller. It may even reduce any tension in your low back and hips.

How to Prepare for Sukhasana

To properly prepare for this seated yoga posture, you may want to focus on primary positions to strengthen your core and open your hips.

Some core strengthening yoga poses to practice are Boat Pose and Uddiyana Bandha (the abdominal lock). To open your hips, practice Happy Baby Pose, Pigeon Pose, and Bound Angle Pose.

Mindful Considerations for Practicing Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

When practicing Sukhasana, or Easy Pose, it’s important to be aware of the joints involved – particularly the hips, knees, and ankles, as they are engaged in this cross-legged position. If you experience sensitivity or discomfort in these areas, consider exploring alternative seated postures. For instance:

  • Alternative for Meditation: If you’re meditating, opting to sit in a chair can be a comfortable alternative that eases joint strain.
  • Adjusting Knee Bend: While sitting on a yoga mat or cushion, you can reduce the degree of knee bend to alleviate discomfort.
  • Altering Foot Position: Instead of tucking your feet tightly under your knees, allow your legs to extend outwards slightly. This adjustment can help in freeing your ankles and reducing strain.

Remember, the essence of the Easy Pose is to cultivate ease and relaxation in both your mind and body. It’s an excellent posture for relieving tension, stress, and anxiety, and is particularly beneficial in the practice of mindfulness and meditation. Always prioritize comfort and listen to your body’s needs to ensure a beneficial yoga experience.

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Final Thougths

Easy Pose, with its simplicity and adaptability, is more than just a physical posture; it’s a gateway to deeper relaxation and mindfulness. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, Sukhasana invites you to explore inner peace, balance, and the grounding effects of a mindful practice. Remember, the true essence of yoga lies in finding harmony between body and mind, and Easy Pose beautifully encapsulates this principle. Embrace it as a tool for tranquility, and let it guide you towards a more centered and serene state of being.

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