Eight Angle Pose: (Astavakrasana) – Elevate To Supreme Balance & Strength

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Eight Angle Pose: (Astavakrasana)

Name: Eight Angle Pose

Sanskrit: Astavakrasana

Pronunciation: ahsh-tah-vah-KRAHS-ah-nah

Pose Level: Advanced Level yoga pose

eight angle pose

Anatomy Involved:

Astavakrasana is an ideal example of a posture that focuses on not just a deep understanding of the pose, but having the appropriate level of strength to carry it out. Eight-angle pose is a rewarding yet challenging asymmetrical arm balance yoga posture. Furthermore, it develops your balance, equilibrium, and stability on both the mental and physical fronts. It requires core strength, flexibility, confidence, and balance.


  • Strengthens your back, shoulders, arms, core, and wrist
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves balance
  • Elevates focus and concentration
  • Improves body awareness and posture
  • Strengthens the legs
  • Boosts energy
  • May help relieve body stress and anxiety

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Start with a comfortable seated position;
  • After getting into a crossed leg position, hold your right leg into your chest and straighten the other leg;
  • Now rise and stretch your spine;
  • Lock your right arm in between your right knee, raising it as high as possible;
  • Try to support it with the shoulder and exhale;
  • Then, place the palms on the ground and put pressure on them to lift your body;
  • Now raise your left leg and foot above the ground;
  • Lock your left ankle around your right ankle by bending the left leg and bringing your foot toward your body;
  • Then, shift the body weight to the arms by positioning them straight and raising your legs parallel to the mat;
  • Stretch out your legs;
  • Carefully lift your head and move your hips back and forth;
  • Keep hold of this position for 30-60 seconds. Then, gently straighten your arms, bend your knees, unlock your ankles, placing the feet down.

Related Article: What is the Meaning of Pranayama: Pranayama Breathing Techniques

Pose Modifications:

For example, could the yogi use a supportive pillow, or blanket? Is there another variation of the maneuver?

If you are a beginner performing the Eight Angle pose successfully, a few variations are available to you.

You can use a yoga block under both your hands to provide more space for you to lift your body.

You can use a pillow under your legs to hold the pose.

Place your right hand on your chin comfortably to lift your head.

Eight-angle pose requires significant arm strength. Give Parsva Bakasana a try or Side Crow Pose as well.


Avoid performing Astavakrasana if you have any of the following conditions.

  • Any recent surgery or Injury to your shoulder, wrist, or elbow.
  • Pain in the spine or thighs.
  • Perform this pose under instructor supervision as it requires a deep understanding of hip mobility and core strength.

Poses Commonly Transitioned too:

Eight-angle poses can be used to prepare Bhujapidasana and Dwi Pada Bhujasana.

Poses Commonly Transitioned From:

Uttanasana, Kurmasana, Baddha Konasana, Paripurna and Ardha Navasana, Chaturanga Dandasana, Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana, and Lolasana are different preparatory poses that help to perform Astavakrasana more effectively.

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