Warrior II Yoga Pose (Virabhadrasana II): How To Maximize The Pose!

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Warrior II Yoga Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

Name: Warrior II Yoga Pose

Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II

Pronunciation: Veer-uh-buh-DRAHS-uh-nuh II

Pose Level: Beginner

warrior II yoga pose


  • Perform Tadasana, mountain pose. 
  • Focus on your breath, on your body. Let go of any distractions.
  • Take a deep inhalation, spread your legs wider then shoulder width. At the same time spread your arms bringing them to the same height as the shoulders. The palms of the hands should be facing down.
  • Now turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right. Your toes should be pointing towards the tip of your mat. The left foot, on the other hand, must be turned slightly inwards, by about 45 °.
  • On the next exhalation, bend your right knee until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. The shin, must be perpendicular to the mat, and form a right angle with the thigh. Remember that the bent knee must never go beyond the ankle, but must be exactly in line with the heel.
  • At this point, turn your neck to the right and stare at the hand in front of you.
  • Keep the posterior muscles of the left leg taut.
  • The whole back of the body should be in the same line. Be careful to keep the entire area from the pelvis to the head exactly perpendicular to the floor.
  • Hold Virabhadrasana 2 for a minimum of 20 seconds, breathing deeply. 
  • Then, put your right knee back straight and start all over on the other side.
  • Once you have performed this asana on the other side as well, exit the position and return to Tadasana.


  • The leg muscles are strengthened;  
  • Tone and strengthen the abdominals;
  • Stretching of the back muscles;
  • Help aide in back pain;
  • Helps to open the hips and shoulders;   
  • Potential for benefits in sciatica relief;  
  • The ankles and knees are strengthened;  
  • Improved concentration and confidence.

Pose Modifications:

If you have narrow hips or the position seems too demanding, reduce the distance between the two legs. This will allow you to be more comfortable and the asana will be less demanding. A great solution if you have balance problems.

If you have problems with your shoulders, or your hands feel too heavy, place them above your hips.

Place a chair under your thigh for additional support. This will help you a lot especially the first few times you perform Virabhadrasana 2.


Recent injuries to your shoulders, knees or hips. If you have neck problems you can do Warrior 2, but don’t turn your neck to look at the hand. Rather, try to keep looking ahead.

Poses Commonly Transitioned too:

Warrior I 

Poses Commonly Used Before Hand:

Reverse Warrior, Humble Warrior, Extended side angle 

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