Wide-Legged Forward Bend: (Prasarita Padottanasana)

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Wide-Legged Forward Bend: (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Name: Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Sanskrit: Prasarita Padottanasana


Alternative Names: Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend/ Wide Stance Forward Bend/ Standing Angle pose

Pose Level: Wide-Legged Forward Bend, or Prasarita Padottanasana, is a forward-bending yoga pose for beginners.

Related Article: Why Try Standing Forward Bend Yoga Poses – Benefits Of

wide-legged forward bend pose

Anatomy Involved:

The wide-legged forward bend is one of the most effective yet complicated standing forward bends. There is a focus on stretching the muscles of your neck, hamstrings, thighs, lower back, pelvis, hips, core, and calves. During Prasarita Padottanasana, the blood in your body flows toward the head and upper part of the body. In this pose, we open our feet widely and bend the torso forward; for that reason, we call it Wide-Legged Forward Bend.


  • Helps open the hamstrings and quadriceps.
  • Increases the strength and flexibility of the muscles.
  • Brings a flow of blood towards the head.
  • Reduces stress around the neck and shoulders.
  • Reduces fatigue.
  • Help in digestion.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Start by turning toward the yoga mat and standing in a mountain pose.
  • Separate your legs about 3-4 feet apart and place your hands on your hips;
  • Arms should be by your sides;
  • On exhale hinge at the waist forward toward the floor;
  • Attempt to keep your neck relaxed during this movement;
  • Then, reach your hands toward your ankles;
  • If you can’t reach your ankles comfortably, try your shins, or bend at the knee’s slightly;
  • This is the pose. Hold for 5 breathes. Then, release and brings your torso upwards.

Related Article: What is the Meaning of Pranayama: Pranayama Breathing Techniques

Pose Modifications:

For Example, could the yogi use a supportive pillow or blanket? Is there another variation of the maneuver?

There are three more variations to this pose to improve the quality of Prasarita Padottanasana,:

  1. Prasarita Padottanasana B: Lift your hand off the floor and to your waist while bending.
  2. Prasarita Padottanasana C: Inter-twist fingers behind back and move hands downward, towards the ground keeping the arms straight.
  3. Finally, Prasarita Padottanasana D: Hold the big toe with the first two fingers and thumb, or slightly under the feet. On inhale look forward and press the chest downward. On exhale increase your pull from the shoulders, elbows up toward the ceiling.
  4. If it is difficult to touch the floor, you can widen your feet or use yoga blocks.

Related Article: Improve & Complete Your Yoga Routine: The Essential Yoga Props


If you have the following conditions, you may want to avoid Wide Legged Forward Bend:

  • Advanced stages of pregnancy.
  • Chronic headaches
  • Abnormal blood pressure conditions.
  • A severe injury to the hips, knee, or back.

Bending causes pressure on the stomach, so it’s best to perform this pose with an empty stomach.

If uncertain about capabilities you should reference a medical professional or certified yoga instructor.

Poses Commonly Transitioned too:

The wide-legged forward bend poses further transitions into its counter pose called the Seated Forward Bend, headstand, and extended side angle pose.

Poses Commonly Used Before Hand:

Preparatory Poses for performing Wide legged forward bend are the Downward-facing dog pose, Standing forward pose, and goddess pose.

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