Today’s Spotlight: Background, “Benefits” & Uses for Rose Geranium Essential Oil

by | Aromatherapy, Candle Making, Essential Oils, Soap Making

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Rose Geranium Essential Oil:

Oh the sweet, uplifting scent of Rose Geranium essential oil. As our daily lives become more stressful, especially in a year like 2020, with COVID-19, more people are looking for ways to relax themselves, aside from exercise and trying to eat healthier. 

A significant amount of individuals are changing up there tune. For example, trying there hand in yoga, meditation and other mind-body practices. However, another way to engage in potential stress relief, is with aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy can even be combined with beforementioned meditationyoga practices, and with specific massages.

Popular essential oils include, lavenderpeppermint & Bergamot oils. However, today we’ll discuss another universally enjoyed essential oil, Rose Geranium.  

what is rose geranium essential oil

Brief History On Rose Geranium:

Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens var. roseum) is a popular choice for many. Rose Geranium is part of the “Scented Geraniums”. It belongs to the genus Pelargonium botanical family. This essential oil is different then Geranium essential oil, in that it offers a more floral rose scent. 

These plants grow in temperate to subtropical areas like Southern Africa. The leaves smell strongly, like (you guessed it), roses!  

rose geranium essential oil health benefits

 The plant family shares a lot of essential features. However, Rose Geranium is said to be superior because of its fragrance and other rose properties. 

The benefits of Rose Geranium like many essential oils, dates back centuries. It was essential as a traditional remedy in treating certain medical conditions. For example, burns and other topical ailments. It was also used to help treat certain respiratory ailments, such as the common cough.  

Over the years, research and lab data has shown potential benefits of this essential oil. Furthermore, has expanding on the initial uses of the oil. 

Today you’ll see this oil referenced when it comes to;

  • treating acne,
  • reducing inflammation,
  • relieving anxiety symptoms, 
  • even, balancing hormones. 


Rose Geranium Essential Oil:

Keep in mind that some claims about essential oils have been researched. In fact, some even proven within that research. However other claims are just that, they are claims. Thus, more research, duplicating results of initial findings, or initial research needs to be done. 

Specifically, we’ll talk about some of the research as of 2022, on Rose Geranium.


Potential For Medicinal Use/Inflammation:

rose geranium essential oil and inflammation

Rose Geranium essential oil may enhance emotional stability, help in aiding pain relief, and speed wound healing. This oil may also be useful in improving mood and reducing body inflammation.


Let’s Discuss Some Studies:

In fact, a 2013 study was one of the first to report a significant anti-inflammatory finding as a topical skin treatment. In this study, it was used on ear edema and mice paws.

As far as helping to reduce anxiety and providing more emotional stability, Rose Geranium has also been studied for this role. 

review of studies done in 2017, looked at 13 separate clinical trials. Five of the trials looked at it’s analgesic effect. Five more, looked at the usage of Rose Geranium on physiological relaxation. The other clinical trials attributed to it’s potential anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and improving sexual dysfunction effects.

The study concluded that in fact Rose oil can impact all of the above, in some way.

geranium oil benefits

For instance, one clinical trial concluded that it increased the release of dopamine and norepinephrine, and inhibited nitric oxide synthase. Certain mechanisms of action of this oil could be responsible for increasing sexual desire.

Other studies, like this one in 2013, concluded that inhalation of Rose oil demonstrated when used in combination with conventional therapy, reduced renal colic pain.

Furthermore, in 2015 when it was studied for post-operative pain in children. Further suggesting aide in pain relief. In fact, there was a significant reduction in pain when using aromatherapy/rose oil compared to a placebo group. 

This could be do to essential oils ability to stimulate certain parts of the brain, like the limbic system. The increase parasympathetic & sympathetic activity means increased release of neurotransmitters, that can help regulate or improve mood.

In Persian medicine, rose oil has been used for things like wound healing, relieving headache, hemorrhoid’s, inflammation of the GI tract and muscular pain.


Potential Use As Insect Repellant: 

geranium oil as insect repellant

Rose Geranium essential oil has been used as an insect repellent. However, Geranium oil is not part of the EPA’s insect repellent ingredients. However, it is one standard essential oil with proven natural repellent abilities.

Some studies have evaluated different essential oils of geranium. Like this study done in 2013, in which all 10 essential oils from geranium that were used were noted to act as a repellent, specifically to ticks. 

The research even suggested certain compounds in geranium oil having the potential for commercial development.


Use In An Aromatherapy Diffuser:

You can dilute geranium oil with distilled water and a few drops of citrusy essential oil to an aromatherapy diffuser. The mixture put in a spray bottle can have a similar effect as an aromatherapy room spray.

Add just a few drops to your aromatherapy diffuser and enjoy the beautiful floral aroma. Rose Geranium also pairs well with citrusy scents. Try combining this essential oil with orange, lime or citronella. 

To get a different floral scent, combine this oil with hints of lavender, or jasmine. 

In addition, try it in a car diffuser for those stressful drives-in’s to work!


Use in Cosmetic Application:

rose oil in cosmetics and for skin
rose oil in cosmetics and for skin

You may see Rose Geranium essential oils mixed in with some of your favorite face creams. You can also use it diluted on the skin. It’s touted for properties that help to remove dead skin cells, refine skin appearance, balance skin’s bum production, cleanse clogged pores, clear infections causing acne, enhance circulation, and reduce signs of varicose veins and cellulite.

There is also evidence of essential oils having antimicrobial properties within certain compounds that make up the oils. One study in 2008 looked at the effects of various Rose oils from Bulgaria, Turkey, Morocco, Iran and China, against strains of bacteria and yeast.

As far as an antioxidant (which are well-known agents for improving skins ability to heal itself), Rose Geranium has demonstrated these antioxidant properties, as this one review of studies in 2017 determined. 

This same study discussed P.gravenolen’s ability to even outperform current anti-fungal drugs in place. Furthermore, being effective against strains of Gram-positive bacteria.

To use in cosmetic application, this essential oil can be added to face creams at a rate of 2-3 drops per 1/2 ounce. If you wish to add it to a carrier oil, this is also an option. We prefer lightweight carrier oils. 


Use as Natural Body Shampoo:

natural body shampoo

Adding Rose Geranium oil to your favorite shampoo, may give it extra soothing properties. You can combine it with a skin condition carrier oil, liquid castle soap, and floral water, and reap the added benefits. 

The ability to help balance oil production, may also aide in preventing scalp conditions, such as dandruff. 


Other Potential Benefits:

Potential Use For Menopause and Peri-Menopause Symptoms

menopause symtoms

Geranium itself has been linked to helping with symptoms of menopausal women.

When using it in aromatherapy, Geranium essential oil stimulates the secretion of salivary estrogen. There is some research (like this 2008 study), that suggests aromatherapy massage may be an effective treatment for menopausal symptoms. 

It emphasized symptoms such as hot flashes, depression and pain. However, it could not be determined whether the positive effects were from aromatherapy, massage, or both.

Potentially Strengthen Immune System:

immune support

It is also perpetuated that Rose Geranium essential oil, due to it’s studied antiviral and anti-fungal properties, can help to strengthen the immune system to fight against illness and infections. 

Much of this research needs to be repeated and confirmed, though it seems. 

In fact, a 2017 review of studies indicated that Rose Geranium across several studies, showed wide spectrum antibacterial and antifungal properties against certain pathogens. 

Potentially To Improve Skin:

Rose Geranium oil has a good reputation for skincare. Like beforementioned, it can help clear dead skin cells. As a result, helping to reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

It is also useful in deodorizing, rejuvenating skin complexion, and speeding up the fading of scars, blemishes, acne, and rashes. 

Be sure to research how to properly dilute all oils before applying any essential oil to your skin!

Potential To Help Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Depression: 

help with anxiety and stress symptoms

Geranium essential oil’s herbaceous aroma is suggestive of having soothing and sedative properties. Further enhancing the feeling of relaxation, promoting stability and optimism. These properties are beneficial to individuals experiencing fatigue, anxiety, depression, and grief.

However, it’s important to consult with a physician before using any essential oil to treat any sort of physical or mental ailment. 

If wanting to use this oil in a bath or massage setting, simply dilute it with a carrier oil. Always test your dilution on a small area of skin, making sure you don’t have any negative reaction.


Rose Geranium Side Effects:

Any of the essential oils we discuss are for external application only. We do not suggest ingestion of them for any purpose. If you wish to use Rose Geranium for therapeutic purposes it’s always important to consult a licensed medical expert. The same goes for use in pregnant women and children.

Essential oils should not be used as a replacement to current treatments for any condition that you may have, unless you have spoken to a licensed medical professional. 

If any allergic reaction were to occur during use, discontinue immediately, and consult an expert. It’s also advised not to apply any discussed essential oils to orifices such as your ears, nose, eyes or any other sensitive area of the body. 


Final Thoughts!

Whether you choose a well known essential oil like Rose Geranium, or decide to go with another option like ylang ylang or Patchouli, you are bound to stumble on one that at least intrigues you from an aromatic standpoint. 

Remember to always do your research when deciding to apply any essential oils to skin.

Feel free to share your experience with essential oils and/or aromatherapy on our blog!



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