Want Bath Bombs For Sore Muscles? Here’s An Easy, Beautiful, Muscle Relaxing Bath Bomb Recipe!

by | DIY & Craft, Unwind

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Bath Bombs For Sore Muscles:

What makes a final bath bomb product so unique, are the ingredients themselves that they are made up of. Bath bombs for sore muscles are no different. Bath bombs are synonymous with terms such as fun, aromatic, relaxing and beautiful, as they have become more mainstream in the last 20 or so years.

bath bombs for sore muscles

However, can bath bombs serve other purposes as well, like muscle relaxation?

One of the most well known, tried remedies for sore muscles is simply soaking in a hot bath along with Epsom salts.

This is for sure a go to, after an intense week of working out, or if the body just simply needs some R & R.

Why Epsom Salts?

Before we get into this DIY recipe for relaxing bath bombs, let’s discuss Epsom salts.

Healthline (2018), discusses that Epsom salt is popular for many ailments, such as muscle soreness and stress. It’s a type of integrative medicine that is often recommended by “integrative medical specialists, for physical and mental health benefits“.

Additionally, Epsom salts have been around for hundreds of years. According to Webmd, the theory surrounding Epsom salts is that when placed in water, “the salts break down into magnesium and sulfate and are able to transport into your body via the skin”.

How much of this magnesium is actually absorbed, no one really knows, it seems.

People use Epsom salts for all sorts of reasons, not just sore muscles and stress;

  • fibromyalgia,
  • ingrown toenails,
  • insomnia
  • sunburn pain

It’s important to note that through our research, the overwhelming resources proclaim that although widely used, some benefits of Epsom salts have not been proven in clinical trial’s.

However, some research indicates that magnesium has the ability to increase serotonin or our relaxation hormone in the brain.

If some of these touted benefits are true, what better and more affordable way to endure some much needed relaxation then adding Epson salts to bath bombs.

How Do We Get Epsom Salts Into Bath Bombs?

firstly, muscle relaxing bath bombs

It’s actually quite simple, really. In this recipe we couple the Epsom salts (potential benefits) to that of aromatherapy by using specific essential oils.

Certain essential oils are also believed to help in the aid of muscle pain, swelling, and tension for both the body and mind.

More well known essential oils consist of lavender, peppermint, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary and ginger oil.

Other research has indicated that a mixture of eucalyptus, marjoram, lavender, rosemary and peppermint, helped relieve certain pain associated with arthritis in participant in one trial. However, noting a small sample size, among other variables which may have impacted pain relief.

Finally, this brings us to our recipe…

Recipe: Bath Bombs For Sore Muscles


  • Mixing Bowls (2)
  • Measuring Cups & Spoons
  • Gloves
  • Mask & Eye Protection
  • Hand Mixer (optional)
  • Spray Bottle of Witch Hazel
  • Mold of Choice (Stainless Steel 3 oz. Round Molds Work Well for this Recipe)

Dry Ingredients:

Wet Ingredients:

  • Shea Butter – 1 oz.
  • Polysorbate 80 – 1 oz.
  • Skin Safe Fragrance – Eucalyptus Essential Oil – 20 Drops
  • Spray Bottle with Witch Hazel

Directions: Bath Bomb For Sore Muscles:

Step 1:

First, mix your dry ingredients. For example, baking soda, citric acid, corn starch, Epsom salt, and kaolin clay, Mica (optional) and combine them into one bowl.

Additionally, if needed, run the ingredients through a sifter to get out any lumps.

Step 2:

Secondly, mix your wet ingredients in another bowl. For example, the polysorbate 80, Shea butter, and essential oil.

Step 3:

Thirdly, pour your wet ingredients into the dry, and begin to once again, mix. Optionally, you can use a stand mixer. However for a small batch such as this, using your hands gives you a better sense of consistency.

Step 4:

Then, it’s time to pick up that spray bottle of witch hazel, adding 3-5 spritzes at a time to the mixture. Slowly moisten the mixture, careful not to make it to wet.

Step 5:

Afterwards, it’s time to test the mixture for consistency, via the “drop test”. To test whether your mixture is ready for molding, grab a handful and squeeze it tightly. If it does not fall apart, attempt to drop it from about 6-8 inches above your bowl. If it stays together after dropping, generally, it is ready for the mold.

Likewise, Here Are Additional Skin Soothing & Fun Bath Bombs:

Bath Bombs with Rings inside

Oatmeal Bath Bombs

Bubble Bath Bars

Step 6:

Then, take both halves of your stainless steel mold and over-fill them. You can do this by scooping up the mixture, using each half of the mold, or by simply using your hands to fill.

Step 7:

Now, press together the two halves of the mold. Careful not to twist to much.

Step 8:

Tap the bottom and top of the mold, while still pressed together (you can use something like a wooden spoon for this).

Remove the top half of the mold and the tip it over into your hand.

Step 9:

Above all, handle carefully, placing on a soft surface , like egg carton foam. Afterward, let the bath bomb dry for roughly 48 hours.

Step 10:

Finally, place your bath bomb for sore muscles in a hot bath, lowering it into the water via the palm of your hand.

Final Thoughts!

In spite of what people may tell you, making a bath bomb can be slightly finicky. The trick is getting a recipe (ingredients) that work well together, and holds together after molding.

Additionally, the ingredients that make up bath bombs are usually quite inexpensive.

However, many individuals prefer to simply purchase bath bombs for their enjoyment. Our only suggestion is to buy from reputable sellers, whether that be ETSY or other big brand stores, like LUSH.

Thanks so much for stopping by, we hope to have you again soon. Be sure to share our blog posts on your social media platforms if you’d like.


  • https://https//www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/essential-oils-for-sore-muscles
  • https://health.clevelandclinic.org/7-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about-epsom-salt/
  • https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/epsom-salt-bath#1
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19944540/
  • https://naha.org/explore-aromatherapy/about-aromatherapy/most-commonly-used-essential-oils
  • https://synapse.koreamed.org/articles/1063350
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