Crane Pose: (Bakasana) – A Beautiful Balancing Act

by | Yoga, Yoga Poses

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Crane Pose: (Bakasana)

Name: Crane Pose

Sanskrit: Bakasana

Pronunciation: bah-KAH-suh-nuh

Pose Level: Intermediate Level balancing yoga pose

crane pose

Anatomy Involved:

Crane symbolizes youth, longevity, and happiness, especially in Asia. Crane pose, known as bakasana, strengthens the forearms, wrist, and pelvis. It is an arm balancing pose performed by stretching the upper back, which helps in developing said balance. It helps strengthen the core muscles of the body.


  • Improve body postures.
  • Stretch buttlocks.
  • Stretch the front of the thigh, and palm side of the wrist.
  • Strengthen the upper back, back of thighs, shoulders, forearms, arms, and abdominal muscles.
  • Opens hips and back muscles.
  • Improves body balance and coordination.
  • Improve focus and concentration.

Crane Pose Brief Instructions:

  1. Begin in a squat, feet together, knees apart. Use a block if necessary.
  2. Place hands on the mat, 6-8 inches from feet, shoulder-width apart. Adjust for shoulder comfort.
  3. Allow heels to lift off the floor.
  4. Lean forward, lifting hips.
  5. Rest knees on upper arms, spreading thighs wider than your torso.
  6. Exhale, place palms shoulder-width on the mat, fingers spread, in front of feet.
  7. Shift forward, bending elbows, onto the balls of your feet.
  8. Position knees near armpits.
  9. Inhale, lean forward, balancing weight on arms.
  10. Gently raise hips, aiming feet towards elbows.
  11. Try straightening arms, maintaining balance.
  12. Hold for 20-30 seconds.
  13. Exit by lowering hips, placing feet down, and sitting back to relax.

Pose Modifications:

For example, could the yogi use a supportive pillow or blanket? Is there another variation of the maneuver?

Some of us face difficulty in performing Crane pose. For those, the following modifications are beneficiary.

Putting all the weight on the arms may cause pain in the wrist. In such cases, instead of spreading the fingers, curl them, which will help relieve some pressure.

You may also place a yoga block or other supportive device under the shins or feet to help hold the pose.

Related Article: Improve & Complete Your Yoga Routine: The Essential Yoga Props


Avoid performing Bakasana if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Serious injury to the hips, knees, elbow, abdomen, wrist, or shoulder.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Spondylitis.
  • Menstrual cycle.
  • High blood pressure.

Poses Commonly Transitioned too:

Crane pose can be used to prepare for Adho-Mukha Shvanasana and Phalakasana.

Poses Commonly Transitioned From:

Navasana, Dandasana, and Malasana are different preparatory poses that help to perform Bakasana.

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