Weight of the World: Check Out Some Yoga Poses For Neck and Shoulders

by | Strength Building, Yoga

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Yoga Poses For Neck And Shoulders:

Neck pain can be a disabling disorder, much like back pain or sciatica. Did you know that oftentimes, what you believe to be shoulder pain, may actually have to do with a neck issue, and vice versa. According to Cleveland Clinic, treatments such as physical therapy, massage, ice or heat, can help. However, today let’s discuss a less known remedy. Yoga poses for neck and shoulders.

Frequently, solutions like applying ice, heat, or taking anti-inflammatories offer only temporary relief and may not effectively address long-term issues. In cases of acute or chronic conditions, more extensive measures might be necessary for relief. Physical therapy could be a suitable option for some, and in such cases, yoga might also be beneficial. It’s always crucial to consult with your primary care physician as part of your health management plan for any specific condition.

In this discussion, we’re going to explore the role of yoga in promoting equilibrium in both the body and mind. Additionally, we’ll introduce several restorative yoga poses specifically designed to aid the neck and shoulders.

yoga poses for neck and shoulders

Where We Gather All The Tension:

Indeed, our goal here isn’t to delve into an in-depth anatomy lesson. Yet, it’s vital to recognize the importance of strengthening and being aware of the muscles that support our neck and its range of movements, as well as the muscles and joints in the shoulders. This can be achieved through regular practice of postural exercises or strength training routines.

On another note, it’s common for many people to carry tension in their neck and shoulder areas, often as a result of stress and anxiety.

Weak shoulder muscles have been found to respond fairly well to a gradual progression of some sort of strength training program. Most notably in times where are bodies “fight or flight” response is activated. Consequently, these areas of the body become stressed.

Furthermore, if your “neck and back muscles become weakened, the head sags forward. This can lead to stress of the cervical spine, leading to neck pain“.

How can Restorative Yoga Poses For the Neck and Shoulders improve neck health?

Thanks to yoga’s emphasis on both mind and body training, it’s been effective in pain relief. For example, some positive evidence has even been found of it’s effect on individuals suffering from conditions such as fibromyalgia. In addition, lower back pain and in the case of this post, even neck pain.

In fact, breathing (pranayama) helps to dissolve tension accumulated during the day and helps to lower the levels of cortisol in the blood, a symptom of excessive stress. The postures in yoga help to balance and develop the muscles of the neck in harmony, also increasing its flexibility (often a sedentary lifestyle is the cause of a neck that becomes stiff and painful).

Additionally, benefits of yoga helping manage pain include:

  • improving range of motion
  • improving mobility
  • preventing cartilage and joint breakdown
  • improving mood and energy levels
  • promoting relaxation

Yoga Poses For Neck And Shoulders:

Here are three poses designed to help strengthen your neck, enhance flexibility, and improve the range of motion in these areas. As you progress, you can gradually incorporate more asanas into your routine. However, these will serve as a comfortable starting point.

At the end of these poses, consider winding down with Savasana. This posture is an ideal way to conclude a neck and shoulder focused yoga session.

Trikonasana: (Triangle Pose):

triangle yoga pose


  • Begin by spreading your legs apart.
  • Raise your arms parallel to the floor.
  • Rotate your right foot 90 degree outward toward the front of the mat.
  • Rotate the left hip and foot inward slightly.
  • Hinge at the hip and reach the right hand down toward the shin.
  • Rotate the head to gaze toward the ceiling.

Bhujangasana: (Cobra Pose):

cobra yoga pose

This restorative pose for the neck and shoulders allows you to release the tension in the shoulder muscles while opening your chest.


  • Begin on your belly.
  • Bring your palms face down even with your shoulders with the hands close in toward the body.
  • Gently lift your torso up from the ground with your arms, keeping your elbows slightly flexed.
  • Don’t over stretch the pose, allow yourself to gently stretch, using the lower back and core for stability.

Balasana: (Child’s Pose):

child yoga pose

Balasana allows you to carve out an intimate space helping relax the muscles of the shoulders and neck. In addition, it allows you to stretch the lower back in a natural way.


  • Firstly, start on all fours on a mat.
  • Then, spread the hips as wide as the mat, keeping the tops of the feet on the mat. Big toes touching.
  • On an exhale, bring the chest in-between the thighs.
  • Let your arms fall behind (or over your head) with the palms of your hands up, close your eyes and surrender to the moment.
  • Your forehead should be resting on the mat.

In addition to asanas, we cannot fail to advise you to experiment with meditation as an anti-stress technique. A few minutes a day can help you improve your approach to lesson tension falling on these areas of the body.

Check Out Some More Great Asanas Here, With Adriene!

Final Thoughts

Conclude your practice by lying on the mat in Savasana for 10 minutes. Relax all the muscles of the body, close your eyes, and abandon yourself to the present moment.



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