Today’s Spotlight: Background, “Benefits” & Uses for Jasmine Essential Oil

by | Aromatherapy

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Jasmine Essential Oil:

Jasmine essential oil offers a sweet, floral aroma. The oil is derived from tiny white flowers of the common jasmine plant, also known as Jasminum officinale. The plant originates from Iran. Jasmine essential oil is touted for having several health benefits. Specifically, when used in aromatherapy applications. For example, diffusers or absorption through the skin, via massage. 

what is jasmine essential oil

Jasmine essential oil, often associated with romance, is a popular ingredient in fine perfumes, alcoholic beverages, and sweets.

Unlike many essential oils, jasmine oil extraction requires a method different from steam distillation to preserve its delicate flowers. Solvent extraction is the preferred technique.

In this process, jasmine petals are immersed in ethanol, agitated, and left to release their fragrance molecules. The ensuing distillation yields pure jasmine oil, while the solvent method ensures a greater output and retains water-soluble components, which would be lost in traditional distillation.

Jasmine essential oil is renowned for its mood-enhancing properties, effectiveness in alleviating stress and anxiety, hormonal balance, and use as a sleep aid.

Uses Of Jasmine Essential Oils:

  • Face Care: Add jasmine essential oils to your face and body, using carrier oils. A 2017 analysis looked at jasmine oil and it’s abilities to potentially help with various skin conditions. For example, dry complexion, inflammation, oily skin and psoriasis. This same study also reveled that jasmine essential oils can be used for revitalization, oily conditions, and general skin care.
  • Body Care: Add 4 to 5 drops to every 5 ml of your body lotion. However, dosage may depend on your age and overall health conditions. Mix in skin loving oils like jojoba, sweet almond or even avocado oils to name a few. Apply the mixture to your body thoroughly as a massage oil blend.

jasmine essential oil benefits for the skin and body


Benefits Of Jasmine Essential Oils

Potential to Decreases Menopause Symptoms

menopause symtoms and jasmine oil

For many years, the oil has been believed to help menopause symptoms. However, there doesn’t seem to be ‘extensive’ scientific studies to prove this to be true. 

One study in 2008 used essential oils, including jasmine, in aromatherapy massage over an 8-week period in women. The study suggested (based on data) that massages with these oils may help with relieving specific symptoms such as hot flashes, depression and pain in climacteric women. 

In aromatherapy (like when using an ultrasonic diffuser or car oil diffuser), the inhaled vapors are said to have a positive effect on mood and stress levels. 

When the oils are massaged into the skin and vapors inhaled they can stimulate the limbic system. The limbic system is important for controlling emotions. Thus, is one reason essential oils are believed to help calm the body, boost mood, relieving symptoms of anxiety and stress. 

A massage (using jasmine oils) could be a way to reduce symptoms of menopause when used in adjunct with other therapies.

Potential Antiseptic:

anti septic properties of jasmine oil

Jasmine oils have been found to have antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. These properties may help fight against various germs. Oftentimes, this antiseptic property make jasmine a popular oil when discussing it’s use against various forms or strains of infections. For example, E.coli, L. casei & multiple strands of candida, as one study found in 2018.

Compounds present in jasmine oil, such as oleuropein, are known for their infection-fighting capabilities and may enhance immune function.

When diluted and used topically or on oral infections, jasmine oil is believed to aid in wound healing. Distinguishing itself from many essential oils, jasmine oil has undergone several studies confirming its antibacterial properties.

We do not support any ingestion of essential oils

One assessment in 2008 of current literature, stated that high grade jasmine oils are applied to treat ulcers, & remove corns. The review found that there is some amount of antibacterial activity and mechanism of action of Jasminum sambac, against E.coli. 

Potential to Aide in Symptoms of Depression

Jasmine oils have the potential to increase behavioral arousal. A study in 2017, discussed jasmine as being one of the diluted essential oils used in aromatherapy body massage and inhalation, which was used in evaluating depression symptoms. 

helps with symptoms of depression

There were mixed results for the effectiveness of the five inhalation studies. Two of which showed positive benefits for postpartum women exposed to the aromatherapy inhalation. 

There was also an increase number of reported beneficial effects and improved depressive symptoms shown in studies where massage was carried out in combination with aromatherapy.


Potential Aphrodisiac:

natural aphrodisiac

According to the Journal of Health Research 2012, jasmine oil is a widely used and preferred odor in aromatherapy in Thailand. A study was carried out to examine brain wave changes to examine effects of jasmine oil on central nervous system function. 

The results showed that positive emotions, like feelings of well-being, and romance were increased. Negative emotions like feelings of fatigue, were significantly decreased.

According to some accounts, ancient Chinese culture used Jasmine as a natural aphrodisiac, and fertility booster. Some studies have indicated that jasmine tea is good for the body during pregnancy. 

Could this account for why jasmine is heavily used in perfumes and has been linked to romance? Jasmine oil also has the name “Queen of the night”. 

Side Effects of Jasmine Essential Oil

Jasmine oil is generally safe for external use and is not known to cause irritation. However, we do not advise ingesting any essential oils and focus solely on their external applications. It is crucial to adhere to guidance from healthcare professionals before using essential oils for treating any conditions.

We strongly discourage discontinuing any ongoing treatments or starting essential oil regimens without professional medical advice.

Pregnant individuals should exercise particular caution with essential oils and always seek medical advice before use.

Essential oils are not recommended for use on children.

Before applying jasmine oil, dilute it with a carrier oil and conduct a patch test on a small skin area. In case of any adverse reaction or irritation, cease use immediately and consult a healthcare professional.

Final Thoughts

Jasmine oil will most likely continue it’s trend in popularity. If not just for the potential health benefits, but for the shear fact it gives off a lovely aroma, that is universally liked.

Only purchase oils from a reputable manufacture or seller. Like with any discussion on essential oils and effects of aromatherapy, it’s important to research each oil.

Please share your aromatherapy strategies that help you improve your daily life. Be sure to share potential applications or some of your favorite blended oils!


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